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Davis, California

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Get Spoked for HellaCappella!

The Spokes previously performed at the LocalTones 2015. (JAY GELVEZON / AGGIE)
The Spokes previously performed at the LocalTones 2015. (JAY GELVEZON / AGGIE)

The Spokes to host a cappella concert this Friday

Get hella spoked, because HellaCappella is this Friday, April 1! And this is no April Fool’s joke. UC Davis’ all-female acapella group, The Spokes, will be hosting their biggest show of the year, HellaCappella, at 7:30 p.m. in the Mondavi Center.

The show has sold out for the past three years, so The Spokes are encouraging attendees to purchase tickets early. According to Anya Stewart, co-president of The Spokes and a fourth-year political science major, the show sells out because the Spokes invite incredibly talented groups from a variety of campuses to perform at HellaCappella. This year, groups from UC Davis, UC Berkeley, Stanford, UC Santa Cruz, University of Oregon and Oxford University will be performing.

“We try to bring diversity to our showcase every year; so this year we have a new group on the scene,” Stewart said. “We have invited Out of the Blue from Oxford to perform at HellaCappella. They are all-male, all-British and all-FAB, and we are so stoked (‘spoked’) to have them at the show!”

This will be the twelfth annual HellaCappella show, and Lynsie Mason, co-president of The Spokes and fourth year-animal science major, thinks it will be better than ever.

“I’m excited to put on our best show yet; every year, HellaCappella is more and more fun,” Mason said. “This particular group of girls works incredibly well together and I can’t wait to show the Davis community what we have been working so hard on this year.”

Emily Laskin, a third-year biosystems engineering major and treasurer of The Spokes, believes that HellaCappella will be amazing this year because of all the hard work the girls have put in.

“[W]e all love music and are willing to put a lot of work into sounding good,” Laskin said.

Over spring break, The Spokes went to the International Championship of Collegiate A Cappella (ICCAs) semifinals in Portland, Oregon. According to the ladies from The Spokes, it’s basically the competition from Pitch Perfect.

“It was fun to represent our school and be able to network outside of California with other college students that share a common passion,” Mason said.

This year was the first time The Spokes have ever made it to the semifinals, and even though they didn’t place, they had an incredible experience and learned a lot.

“The Spokes has taken our ICCAs experience and brought some new elements to our choreography, music and performing panache,” Stewart said. “Don’t worry, you’ll be able to see it all at HellaCappella 2016.”

Pre-sale tickets are $15 for students and are available on the Quad. Tickets can also be purchased at the door ($18 for students and $25 for non-students) as well as online. Doors open at 7 p.m.

For more information, check out the event page on Facebook or the Spoke’s website. So what are you waiting for? Get your tickets and get hella spoked! And stay tuned for the release of The Spokes’ new album, “23 Hours!”


WRITTEN BY: Sofie Bates – arts@theaggie.org


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