73.6 F

Davis, California

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Police Logs

What the egg?

Oct. 5

“Two subjects seen with flashlights looking inside a parked vehicle.”

“Vehicle versus skateboarder.”


Oct. 6

“Open line, possible phone in pocket.”


Oct. 7

“Loud chanting.”


Oct. 8

“Police department unit was in front of residence shining light on the roof, reporting party believes he heard someone on the roof.”


Oct. 9

“Enterprise moving truck struck reporting party’s vehicle and tore off the front bumper.”

“Loose dog without leash roaming the street, black/white, medium/large, similar to herding dog, appears friendly.”


Oct. 10

“Requested night extra patrol after resident was toilet papered and egged.”

“Suspicious suitcase outside business.”

“Several vehicles on street egged overnight.”




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