73.2 F

Davis, California

Friday, September 20, 2024

UC Davis hosts annual Biodiversity Museum Day

The free event encouraged exploration across multiple exhibits that showcased different forms of biodiversity


By AALIYAH ESPAÑOL-RIVAS — campus@theaggie.org


On Feb. 10, UC Davis hosted its annual Biodiversity Museum Day which consisted of multiple collections of biodiversity exhibits. Open to students and the public, the free event allowed attendees to choose between 10 different exhibits spread throughout campus. Exhibits featured topics such as entomology, botany and plant diversity.

In the Bohart Museum of Entomology exhibit, attendees were greeted with rows of booths featuring various insects and animals. Student interns were also there to provide insightful information for anyone who stopped by. In some booths, participants were allowed to hold and feel various insects, allowing for a hands-on learning experience. 

Student Intern Guenever Hall, a second-year wildlife, fish and conservation biology major, enjoyed seeing all of the excitement visitors had for the animals and insects on display. 

“I like seeing how interested everyone is, because it’s not often people see all these kinds of animals just out and have the opportunity to touch them,” Hall said.

Hall’s booth was dedicated to the Lunar New Year and displayed species that exhibited different aspects of a dragon: the Chinese zodiac animal for 2024. To achieve this, the booth displayed pictures and models of carp, catfish, eagle talons, deer antlers and a rattlesnake.

As for attendees, Alejandra Mercado, a third-year linguistics major, enjoyed how knowledgeable all of the interns were and how they provided a fun experience at every exhibit.

“The student interns seem really interested in the topics they know,” Mercado said. “They just love to share their knowledge, and I love to learn […] about things I don’t know about.” 

In addition, Mercado also enjoyed the free horse-drawn carriage rides the event offered. The rides took visitors between the entomology exhibit in the Academic Surge and the plant diversity exhibit at Katherine Esau Science Hall. 

“I was freaking out like, ‘Oh my god, this was the first time I’ve seen [horse-drawn carriages] on campus,’” Mercado said. “I thought I wouldn’t get the opportunity to [take them], but we could, and the workers were super nice.” 

In addition to student interns, the event also had various volunteers. Nazzy Pakpour, a UC Davis alumna who studied entomology and completed a postdoctoral working with mosquitos, explained that she wanted to volunteer to give back to the Bohart Museum and the community. 

“I love interacting with the public and seeing people that are not normally geeked about insects get super geeked about insects,” Pakpour said. “I love supporting the museum because it’s been so supportive of my career in all of its different stages.” 

Looking toward the future, participants expressed their hope to return next year and encouraged students to do the same. Ana Machado Perez, a fourth-year psychology and human development double major, said that it was important for students to attend Biodiversity Museum Day because it’s a special opportunity for students who don’t regularly learn about science.

“We have such a special opportunity to see all these animals,” Perez said. “There is so much nature all around us, and if you don’t take classes talking about it, you may never learn about it. It’s important to learn about the different disciplines Davis has, even if [they aren’t] your major.” 


Written by: Aaliyah Español-Rivas — campus@theaggie.org


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