58 F

Davis, California

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Guest Opinion: To live in peace, part II

Geoffrey Wildanger was 100 percent right in his assertion that the job of an ambassador is to represent the views of their government and improve their country’s relations. So I can see why he did not want to engage with Akiva Tor about Israel.  

With that said, I have now written two pieces in the Aggie, calling for and encouraging dialogue between students, all of which have fallen on deaf ears. Not one single response asking to talk about a peaceful future, and for that, I ask you, Mr. Wildanger, and the UCD student body, why? Are you not interested in living in peace? Not interested in a two-state agreement? Because more than anything else, I would like to see my friends and family not have to serve in an army (all ethical/political judgments aside – all countries maintain a defensive force of sorts) and engage in conflicts. I’d love to be able to know 100 percent that they will return from their army service and not be put in danger. I would love to be able to spend time in Israel and not worry about safety. I would love for our peoples to live in peace, for me to be able to see the beauties of the West Bank and for Palestinians to travel freely without checkpoints or fences. 

This cannot happen without peace. Come, let’s talk, and start a true dialogue and one day: “We will learn to live together, between olive groves. Children will live without fear, without borders, and without bomb shelters. On the graves the grass of peace and love will blossom,” Yehonatan Geffen said. 

I recognize that my request is not an easy one. Both sides are at fault, and both sides will continue to remain in a stalemate until people are willing to focus on what unites us as people rather than what divides us.  

Let’s get together and talk, whether its about baseball, food or TV – it’s the first step. One day, once we know each other, it will be a whole lot easier to start talking about the harder stuff, the future and how to put an end to a conflict I fear might never end. Please, let us engage in a dialogue.  Let’s push the two peoples forward, and hopefully, towards peace.

I’ll be standing at the Flagpole at the MU on Friday at noon. Come meet me there. 

ARI POLSKY is a senior studio major.


  1. Haha, ok buddy. You won’t respond to my points, and you won’t use anything but fallacious thought processes to defend your view, so I will stop trying to have an adult discussion on here. Peace and love. *Ojala* que alguien te abrace.


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