64.1 F

Davis, California

Thursday, October 17, 2024

News-in-Brief: Yudof comments on fee hikes, financial options for UC students

University of California President Mark Yudof recently issued a letter to parents and students regarding the recent fee increase that was approved at the July UC Regents meeting.

The new fee hike of 9.6 percent, along with the 8 percent already signed into law last year, will raise tuition $1,068, to $12,192 a year.

In the letter, Yudof explained that while he did not have to make this decision, raising fees was the only way to support the quality of education at the University of California.

“I want to emphasize that the regents and I made this painful decision only after the campuses and the Office of the President had absorbed as many cuts as possible without irreparably damaging the quality of the system,” Yudof wrote. ?

With the recent increase, many students are feeling the crunch during this difficult economic time, Yudof wrote. However, students are encouraged to explore all of their financial options in order to continue attending the University of California. Many campuses are attempting to increase the amount of financial aid that they can provide and the UC system as a whole has expanded the Blue and Gold Opportunity Plan program.

“No one should feel they have to leave UC due to rising tuition and fees,” Yudof said. “To our students I want to say that if you feel your debt level is unmanageable or that you may have to leave the university due to rising charges, I implore you to discuss your financial aid options with your campus financial aid office.”

Yudof also encouraged students to talk to their elected representatives and express their need for quality education.

“UC leaders will continue to do everything in our power to stop the slide in state support of higher education.” Yudof wrote.

– Hannah Strumwasser


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