64.1 F

Davis, California

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Letter to the Editor: Food resources on campus

In addition to the great resources of where to get groceries around Davis in the article “Grocery roundup: Where to buy food … and what to do when you run out of swipes” on Sept. 22,  we at Health Education and Promotion (HEP) would like to add two additional resources.

First, there is a brand new Wellness Garden located on the South side of the new Student Health and Wellness Center on La Rue Road. Although the Wellness Garden is relatively small, we appreciate it when students walk by and pick a tomato or two right off the vine, or cut a few leaves of basil for their dinner that night. It is an amazing spot on campus for free produce and we encourage people to come harvest what they need. We just recently planted our fall/winter garden! So come by in a few weeks for some free fresh produce!

A second resource we would like to call attention to is the Fruit and Vegetable Map, which is posted on Davis Wiki, developed by HEP. The map is an excellent resource for students to find fresh produce around their neighborhood.

Diana Grandi
Wellness Garden and Nutrition Student Assistant
Health Education and Promotion


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