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Davis, California

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Last Week in Senate


Police chief discusses robberies, scam emails, recent anti-Semitic posters

On Oct. 18, the ASUCD Senate convened for its weekly meeting in the Mee Room of the Memorial Union. Vice President Shaniah Branson was absent during roll call.

The meeting began with a presentation from UC Davis Police Chief Joseph Farrow. Farrow addressed a recent series of robberies, the scam emails/phone calls that have been circulating around the community and the recent anti-Semitic fliers posted around campus.

“For many years, law enforcement only dealt with physical security,” Farrow said. “I think it’s important for us to protect the emotional and psychological security. We have a moral obligation to try and engage and put these things to a stop.”

According to Farrow, campus cameras captured a picture of the suspect. The picture is available for identification on the police department’s website.

After several questions posed by senators to the police chief, the meeting moved on to Elections Committee members confirmation, followed by Academic Affairs Commission member confirmations and Ethnic and Cultural Affairs Commission (ECAC) member confirmations.

Next, the DREAM Committee gave its quarterly report. According to the presenters, the committee was able to lend about 50 books to students in the last three weeks through its Lending Library Project. The Lending Library lacks science and engineering books.

In addition, the committee members said they will be opening applications for a cap and gown project that will prioritize undocumented students.

Following the DREAM Committee’s report, the Academic Affairs Commision also delivered its quarterly report. A number of points were discussed during this segment, including making empty/underutilized courtyards into outdoor study spaces, increasing access to counseling services by moving appointment scheduling to an online system and establishing a Degree Map to help students plan out a four-year path to attain degrees.

The Senate then moved to Internal Affairs Commission member confirmations. Candidates were confirmed without objection.

After a short break, the meeting moved into a discussion of old and new legislation. New legislation was introduced which would recognize both the posting of anti-Semitic fliers on campus as a hate crime and the need for more transparency between administration, the UC Davis Police Department and on-campus resources when hate crimes occur on campus. Senate Resolution #2 was sent to ECAC.

After voting, Constitutional Amendments 55, 56 and 57 were passed. CA 55 restructured and clarified portions of the ASUCD constitution.

CA 56 will create the position of External Affairs Vice President and make the position an elected position. It will rename the Vice President position the Internal Vice President. After lengthy discussion, Senator Ko Ser Lu Htoo was the only no vote.

CA 57 established the Elections Committee as an independent group.

Senate Bill #3, which would establish a committee of senators to plan the quarterly town hall, passed as amended.

The meeting adjourned at 11:15 p.m.

Written by Clara Zhao — campus@theaggie.org


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