57.2 F

Davis, California

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Student promotes ‘moovement’ to change mascot to cow during public discussion

ASUCD members confirmed new commissioners, provided weekly reports and passed SB #44

By ISABELLA KRZESNIAK campus@theaggie.org

Internal Vice President Juliana Martinez Hernandez called the meeting to order at 6:16 p.m. on Feb. 3 and recited the UC Davis Land Acknowledgement.

Ethnic and Cultural Affairs Commission Chair Jared Lopez recommended a candidate for ECAC commissioner, whose name has been omitted upon Lopez’s request due to safety concerns. Senator Sergio Bocardo-Aguilar moved to confirm her and this was seconded by Senator Celeste Palmer.

Jaidyn Alvarez-Brigance, the general manager of KDVS, provided a quarterly report for the station. She noted four top priorities: repairing radio fuses and transmitters, finalizing a plan for a spring fundraiser, overhauling the KDVS website and hiring new core staff for the 2022-2023 school year.

External Affairs Commission (EAC) Chair Maahum Shahab recommended Harleen Kaur, Sumeet Bains, Daniel Egziabher and Daniel Mojica for EAC. These confirmations were approved.

Martinez Hernandez recommended Jacob Brunell for the position of associate vice president of internal communications. Internal Affairs Commission Chair Kabir Sahni moved to confirm him, and Palmer seconded.

Elected officers provided reports on their work over the past week and then moved into Public Announcements. Among the announcements was the upcoming ASUCD Town Hall and the need for volunteers for the Whole Earth Festival.

During Public Discussion, Mick Hashimoto, a third-year economics major, presented a petition to change the UC Davis mascot from a mustang to a cow. Hashimoto said that the movement has gained traction, citing public support on social media. He said that he feels that UC Davis needs a unique identity that resonates with students. 

Although many ASUCD representatives voiced their support for the change, Palmer said her support of Gunrock as a mascot.

“It’s important to remember the actual history of this mascot,” Palmer said. “Gunrock was an actual horse who lived at UC Davis. He was a thoroughbred, not a mustang, and he was brought by the U.S. cavalry to breed at UC Davis. This is an interesting story that actually makes it very unique.”

Senator Owen Krauss provided a counterargument to keeping the mascot. 

“[Gunrock being a thoroughbred] sounds kind of elitist,” Krauss said. “[Cows] are incredibly important to the greater community.” 

Martinez Hernandez invited consideration of old legislation, SB #44, which clarifies the roles, responsibilities and selection process for ASUCD members. After review, Krauss moved to approve it, which Palmer seconded.

Martinez Hernandez adjourned the meeting at 9:10 p.m.

Written by: Isabella Krzesniak — campus@theaggie.org


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