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Davis, California

Monday, October 7, 2024

Photo Gallery: Protests for Gisele Pelicot erupt in France over controversial trial

Editor’s note: Before the academic school year, a member of The Aggie’s photo desk attended a protest in France regarding an ongoing trial. The following is our photographer’s visual account of what happened. 

By Sacha Chickering — photo@theaggie.org

France is currently transfixed by the trial of a man who allegedly drugged his wife so that he could film other men raping her. Over fifty other men are also on trial.

The victim, Gisele Pelicot, only found out when the police showed her videos spanning a decade. While she had the right to keep the trial private, she chose to make it public, raising awareness of sexual violence. 

This story has gained mass attention in France, spotlighting not only sexual assault under the influence but assault in general and male attitudes toward it. Women at the protest demanded, “Shame must change sides!”

On Sept. 14, I attended a protest in Paris, one of many nationwide. These are some photos. By researching “Gisele Pelicot,”  you can read more on this horrifying story.

Sign reads: “Educate your sons, Protect your daughters.” (Sacha Chickering / Aggie)


Protestors at the Place de la République. (Sacha Chickering / Aggie)


Protestors meet at Place de la République during Gisele Pelicot’s trial. (Sacha Chickering / Aggie)


Sign Reads: “Silence rapes, Silence kills.” (Sacha Chickering / Aggie)


Protestors rally for feminist rights. (Sacha Chickering / Aggie)
Sign reads: “Thank you Gisele.” Protestors are grateful Pelicot opened her trial to the public, giving courage to more women to fight back. (Sacha Chickering / Aggie)





By Sacha Chickering photo@theaggie.org


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