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Davis, California

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Congrats, you’re (not) graduating!

Long waitlists, limited class sizes and late pass times have caused UC Davis students to question whether they will graduate on time


By JHANA RHODES—jsrho@ucdavis.edu


          Knock, knock.

          Who’s there?


          Graduate who? 

          I may not graduate on time.


          And it isn’t because I have to retake a chemistry class I failed this previous fall quarter or because I changed my major for the third time — it’s because I didn’t click the “register class” option on Schedule Builder fast enough. That joke was hilarious, right? Well, if you found it amusing, it’s probably because you either have an amazing sense of humor or you’ve never had the privilege of being on a waitlist. If it’s the latter, I will gladly paint the experience for you. 

          Imagine this: A jarring shrill wakes you up at 5:30 a.m. Disoriented and groggy, you fumble for your phone in an attempt to silence the alarm. However, you stop yourself when you remember — it’s time. Suddenly having the energy to power a whole city, you jolt out of bed, race to your laptop, and open the tab to the only thing you’ve been thinking about all night: Schedule Builder.

          As you watch the clock move up second by second, more sweat collects on your upper lip. Your hands are shaky, your mind is racing and you think, “Will I make it?”

It’s 5:59 a.m., and, with bated breath, wishful thinking and the speed of light, you click the register button — only to realize you’re number 42 on the waitlist and your dreams of graduating in the spring are crushed, stomped on, completely gone. I mean, is pursuing a degree even worth it? 

Long story short, I’m catastrophizing. And although I’m being a bit hyperbolic, it doesn’t change the fact that signing up for classes at UC Davis can be extremely frustrating. 

          While being on a waitlist itself can be anxiety-inducing, the bigger problems start when instruction rolls around. In one of my classes, waitlisted students sat on the floor because there weren’t enough seats. In another class, there are around 20 students lined up at the end of the lecture to beg for Permission to Add (PTA) codes. In my short time at Davis, if there’s one thing I’ve noticed about the students, it’s that we are incredibly determined. Even if acceptance off of the waitlist is uncertain, we dedicate hours to lectures, lab work, essays and complicated quizzes. Our chances are slim, yet we still work hard. 

          So, as I wrap this universal rant up, I’d like you to keep in mind a few things: Don’t take out your frustrations with our registration system on your professors. Most of the advisers, teaching assistants and professors at UC Davis (shout out to the awesome ones that I have) are some of the most understanding people you’ll come across during your time here. And no, I’m not just saying that because I want to get extra credit at the end of the quarter.

          Even though they have no control over the waitlists, they still do their best to help students. Whether it’s constantly requesting larger rooms to accommodate students on the waitlist or taking the time to give out PTA codes, Davis professors are very understanding. Although it’s incredibly frustrating not to get into the classes you want — let’s be patient and understanding with our professors as they are also likely frustrated with the system.

          And, of course, don’t be so hard on yourself. As someone hoping to graduate this spring, I, like many other students at Davis, know how scary an uncertain future can be. At times, the fear of missing out or falling behind can be overwhelming and discouraging. I used to think it would be the end of the world if I didn’t get into the classes I wanted.

However, I quickly learned that that is not the case. Though it is a hard pill to swallow, it’s okay if you don’t get into the classes you want; It’s okay if you take an extra year to graduate. While we face various waitlists and hurdles, remember that the journey toward graduation is not a sprint, it’s a marathon. Despite the obstacles you come across or the amount of time you take, keep on persevering. 

And, when in doubt, we always have people on the sidelines cheering us on as we finish the difficult and exhausting, but rewarding, experience we call education. So keep moving forward, and sooner or later, graduation will be right around the corner. You ARE going to graduate!


Written by: Jhana Rhodes— jsrho@ucdavis.edu 


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