50.3 F

Davis, California

Friday, March 7, 2025

Campus Judicial Report

Innocent intern

A student was referred to Student Judicial Affairs (SJA) due to suspicions that he had provided false information. In particular, the student submitted paperwork to the Internship and Career Center that seemed like it may have been copied and altered. When the student met with a judicial officer, he maintained that the form was legitimate. The other copies had gotten lost, he asserted, so this was the only copy that he had to turn in. The judicial officer was able to confirm that the form was indeed authentic, and thus found that the student was innocent of all suspected violations.

Two strikes, you’re out

An upper division student was referred to SJA for suspected copying during an exam. During the administering of the test, the TAs proctoring the exam noticed that the student looked over the shoulder of the student in front of him multiple times. Even after the TAs warned the class to keep their eyes on their own papers, the student continued to copy. Upon reviewing the two exams, the TAs noted that many of the answers were either exact copies or very close, so the suspected copier was referred to SJA. In his meeting with a judicial officer, the student maintained that he was only looking at the clock. Since the student was already on Deferred Separation for a previous copying violation, the student had waived his right to a formal hearing. In lieu of a formal hearing, the Judicial Officer reviewed and considered all of the evidence and testimony, and decided that the student was in violation.  In accordance with his standing Deferred Separation sanction, the student was therefore suspended.

Sharing is not caring  

A student was referred to SJA for providing/receiving unauthorized assistance on coursework. The instructor noticed that although the homework grades of the student were very high, the exam grade he received was very low and unlike his previous work. Upon further inquiry the instructor found that the homework submitted was very similar or the same as that done by his classmates. When the student met with a judicial officer, he stated that he felt he had done most of the work himself and had not received a significant amount of assistance, but he did agree that he had violated the instructor’s course policies. The student agreed to the sanction of Deferred Separation.

CAMPUS JUDICIAL REPORTS are compiled by members of Student Judicial Affairs.



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