64.1 F

Davis, California

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Guest Opinion

Today, many of us will be heading to the polls to cast our ballot for President, Congress, Assembly and State Senate. But this election offers a unique opportunity for each and every student at UC Davis.

During the 2008 election, roughly 22 million young Americans headed to the polls to cast their vote and their impact was unprecedented. Four years later, you have an opportunity to make just as large of an impact.

On the ballot this week is Proposition 30, an initiative that will raise taxes on individuals earning more than $250,000 per year with the revenue heading to the University of California, California State University and California community college systems.

The effect of this proposition cannot be understated.

Without Prop. 30, UC will be facing a $250 million deficit. Translation: tuition hikes.

In July, the UC Board of Regents stated that if Prop. 30 fails, students could face a 20 percent tuition hike in January and more reductions to library services and class offerings.

We are facing a worst-case scenario: rising tuition hikes, cuts in classes, piling student-loan debt and a severe lack of jobs for college graduates.

That’s a worrisome picture for all of us, but this problem is not insurmountable.

If we want to ensure that California’s higher education system remains the best in the world, we have to reinvest in the classroom.

I hope you’ll take a break from studying and research the candidates and initiatives on the ballot.

If you’re registered to vote in Yolo County, head over to the Yolo County Elections Office website at yoloelections.org/voting/polling_place to find out where your precinct is located. Polls are open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Today, your vote is your voice. Be heard.


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