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Davis, California

Friday, October 18, 2024

Several university buildings, cars vandalized during summer

slug: 130926_ca_hate

edits: EL CT


Headline: Several university buildings, cars vandalized during summer

Layercake: UC Davis Police continue their investigation


Aggie News Writer

        The UC Davis Police Department is looking into the vandalism of several University buildings, including Sproul Hall, Arboretum, TB 009, South Hall, Dutton Hall, Educational Opportunity, Aggie Village, the School of Education and the University House, that happened early in the morning on Aug. 25. Additionally, a racial slur targeting the black community was written in chalk on a blackboard in Dutton Hall.

Damage was inflicted upon several cars, and more than 30 windows were broken. There was damage to the inside of the buildings, but no private information was stolen.

“The vandalism happened late at night and in early morning so no work was disrupted,” said Martin Ling, Assistant Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs.

        According to Donald Dudley, the building coordinator for Dutton Hall, the racial slur was written in one of the Student Academic Success Center classrooms on the second floor of Dutton Hall.

        UC Davis Police Chief  Matt Carmichael confirmed the epithet was written in graffiti style in a conference room.

        According to Carmichael, the crimes could have been committed by a single person or a group of people, but there are no suspects in the case as of yet.

        The racial slur and vandalism appear to be connected as both crimes were committed at the same time, according to Ling. It is unknown if Dutton Hall was targeted specifically for the racial slur, as the perpetrators and their motivations are unknown.

“It is interesting that these incidents occurred the same week as the 50th anniversary of the Civil Rights Movement,” Ling said.

Although there are cameras in Dutton Hall, the perpetrator was not caught on camera.

“Campus patrol officers walk the affected buildings daily and the buildings are given greater attention at night,” Carmichael said. “It helps to give the people a sense of safety to know that the police are watching and care.”

In response to these crimes, UC Davis Police have increased patrols. According to Carmichael, the police hope to make changes in the next few weeks that include a more structured way of patrol and a better use of resources.

“With a grant we were given we are hoping to purchase new technology and equipment,” Carmichael said.

According to Andy Fell, UC Davis News Spokesperson, there has been a general increase in security and patrols on campus. Volunteers and students assist the police with these patrols.

The Aggie Escort Service is an example of student patrol, hired to check critical buildings seven nights a week as an additional resource to the campus police.

“Students should not be concerned about safety. University of California, Davis is a safe campus overall,” Ling said. “It is important to make people aware and alert of what is happening. People can report any suspicions to the police to help bring the perpetrators to justice.”

According to Carmichael, the email sent out to the community by Chancellor Linda P.B. Katehi on Aug. 27 was helpful because it helped facilitate communication between the community and the police in finding new information.

Although this is not the first time a hate crime has been committed on campus, it is not a routine thing, according to Carmichael.

“There are two costs to this vandalism, financial and personal. This hateful, racial slur will have a long lasting effect on the community,” Carmichael said.

If you have any information about this incident, please contact the UC Davis Police Department at (530) 752-1727.

JORDYN MAY can be reached at campus@theaggie.org. xxx



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