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Davis, California

Friday, October 18, 2024

Executive, Senate endorsements: Consider the following


The Editorial Board would like to commend the large and diverse body of students who chose to run for senatorial and executive positions in the 2018 Winter Elections. It is our genuine hope that a similarly large and diverse student population votes in this election after seeking out information about the candidates and their respective platforms.


Executive Endorsement: Julie Jung and Julienne Correa (BASED)


Julie Jung, a former senator, is running for president, and Julienne Correa, current chair of the Ethnic and Cultural Affairs Commission, is running for vice president. Both candidates have been involved in ASUCD since their first year at UC Davis, and this experience in office clearly plays to their advantage. The Editorial Board was impressed with not only their clear designation of roles, but also the organization of their platforms. In terms of internal affairs, the duo would like to expand resources for ASUCD volunteers and committees and hold senators accountable for their interaction with adopted units and their budget expenditures. Considering the low candidate turnout rate during the 2017 Fall Elections, the Editorial Board is pleased with Jung and Correa’s drive to improve senator involvement and accountability. The two also showed an in-depth understanding of the ASUCD budget, providing numerous examples of how various funds could be reallocated to subsidize their platforms. Their knowledge of the budget, along with their confident and intelligent demeanors, assured the Editorial Board that Jung and Correa are qualified candidates for the executive ticket.


Senate Endorsements:


  1. Atanas Spasov (Unite!)

Spasov displayed an impressive grasp of the inner workings of ASUCD, the roles and responsibilities of an ASUCD senator and the accomplishments that are feasible in office. Spasov presented three extremely well thought-out platforms, which he talked about extensively and with pride. All three platforms — financial scrutiny, sexual health and making class scheduling significantly less stressful — are individually strong, and we hope he gets the opportunity to achieve them.


  1. Daniel Tillman (BASED)

Tillman’s mix of doable platforms, his honest demeanor and his determination when speaking about his plans for office impressed the Editorial Board. Tillman exhibited a charismatic hopefulness to make tangible changes on campus that will benefit the communities he represents and cares about. These platforms include planning for gender-inclusive restrooms in the layout of new buildings on campus rather than starting from scratch on long-term projects. Tillman also wants to work in conjunction with Housing Advising for Undergraduate Students and Student Housing to tackle issues of housing insecurity.


  1. Ko Ser Lu Htoo (BASED)

Htoo was excited to discuss their comprehensive plans for representing marginalized groups on campus — which include expanded resources for the LGBTQIA community as well as working alongside the Whole Earth Festival, with which Htoo is already involved. They arrived to the endorsement interview extremely prepared, and we feel confident they will maintain their preparedness and positive attitude if elected.


  1. Simran Kaur (BASED)

Kaur demonstrated a strong understanding of ASUCD and a recognizable passion for her platforms. Her desire to give back to the UC Davis community was readily apparent. One of her goals, which is especially timely and relevant, is to improve student-administrator relationships. Kaur also hopes to increase cultural awareness across campus as well as work closely with The Pantry to improve food security — goals we find commendable.


The Editorial Board encourages all students to attend the Senate CoHo debate on Tuesday, Feb. 20 at 11:00 a.m. and the Executive CoHo debate on Wednesday, Feb. 21 at 11:00 a.m.


Elections will be held on elections.ucdavis.edu from Tuesday, Feb. 20 at 8 a.m. until Friday, Feb. 23 at 8 a.m.


Written by: The Editorial Board


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