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Davis, California

Thursday, October 17, 2024

A guide to the coziest UC Davis study spots

Places guaranteed to get you motivated for the new school year 


By MAYA KORNYEYEVA — mkornyeyeva@ucdavis.edu


In every hero’s journey, there comes a time when the protagonist must cross the threshold from the known into the unknown. To do so, they must meet a guide; an individual who is able to mentor and instruct, inspire and advise. Like Gandalf the Grey is to Frodo Baggins, let me be your wise old wizard. As the wise old wizard… allow me to show you the study spots on and off campus that will prove to be a saving grace for the upcoming academic year. 




Shields Library: The basic yet most reliable choice, this glorious library on campus is conveniently located a stone’s throw from both the Silo and the Memorial Union. With ample coffee and snacks available just a short walk away, you can stock up on all the caffeine and nutrients you need to get through a long study session. It is silent and spacious, and there are lots of private desks and beautiful views on the upper floors that allow for uninterrupted work. Plus, the millions of books lining the shelves of the library are motivation enough to turn anyone into an absolute academic weapon. 


The Silo: If the built-in Peet’s isn’t convincing enough, the cozy armchairs and classy interior design of the Silo are sure to capture your interest. Although the Silo can get very busy around noon, going there early in the morning can secure you a spot for nearly the entire day — and there are delicious crepes and fries available for a quick lunch break. My personal favorite spot is on the second floor, on one of the bar stools overlooking the floor below: it’s a nice spot to cozy up with a copy of The Aggie and have a go at the weekly Sudoku. 




Philz Coffee: Philz is just a few blocks from campus and situated right next to the Kobe Mini Mart. It always has the best music playing on the speakers and the smell of fresh-brewed coffee emanating throughout the entire store is heavenly. Just like the Silo, Philz can get pretty busy and the lines are often long, but once you get planted the atmosphere is perfect for generating creative ideas and working through a long to-do list. 


Mishka’s Cafe: The moment you step into Mishka’s, it feels as though you’ve time-traveled to an ornate 1900s coffee shop somewhere south of France. The typewriter in the front, the whimsical jazzy music and the stacks of old newspapers all contribute to a comfortable and sophisticated environment for studying. The tall windows and the flowering trees surrounding the cafe provide a wonderful backdrop for the occasional unfocused gaze, and the coffee is just superb. I recommend a hot lavender or rose latte with a pastry — perhaps you will even be blessed with some microfoam latte art on top of your beverage. 


Starbucks: Although technically “fast food,” Starbucks has some great options for coffee lovers and caffeine abstainers alike. The Starbucks located on 2nd and F Street is a prime study spot for both UC Davis students and locals who enjoy plenty of indoor and outdoor seating.  This location is ideal for those who thrive in a busy environment, as it is constantly bustling with commuters. The store has great air conditioning, access to charging ports and all the ice water you need. The biggest seller? Free refills. 


Written by: Maya Kornyeyeva — mkornyeyeva@ucdavis.edu


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