59.5 F

Davis, California

Friday, October 18, 2024

Letter to the Editor: Entertainment Council Large Show Reserve

Once again I write this letter to ask the student body this questions: What do you think is worth $100,000 on this campus?

Today the ASUCD Senate will vote on SB#77, a bill that if passed, would create the ASUCD Entertainment Council Large Show Reserve. This reserve would consist of $100,000 pulled from ASUCD’s capital reserve, funds that are indeed made up from money of each and every student on campus.

The sole purpose of this $100,000 reserve is defined in the following excerpt from SB#77 “Entertainment Council currently operates with an annual budget subsidy of about $90,274. However, the amount currently budgeted for Entertainment Council is not sufficient to bring many popular artists to perform at UC Davis.

So I ask you, fellow Aggies, do you want senate taking $100,000 of your student fees and “setting them aside” to be spent on concerts? Or would you rather that money be spent on something more meaningful?

Personally I have a lot to say so that is why I will be on the third floor of the Memorial Union today at 6:10 p.m.

Hope to see you there.

Levi Menovske

Political Science and English major


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