72.1 F

Davis, California

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Campus Judicial Report

Why wouldn’t you want to stay an extra quarter?

A senior was referred to Student Judicial Affairs (SJA) for forgery in connection with registering for a class. Specifically, the student was unable to sign up for a course that she needed to take, and forged the signature of the instructor to add the class. When she met with a judicial officer, the student admitted to the forgery and agreed to the disciplinary sanctions of deferred separation and community service. Deferred separation means that the student gives up the right to a formal hearing if she’s referred again for academic misconduct, and if she’s found in violation at an informal hearing, she will most likely be suspended or dismissed from UC Davis.

At least look at the assignment

A junior was referred to SJA for plagiarism in a general education class. The student copied many passages in the assignment, and was referred by the instructor upon review of the paper. In her meeting with a judicial officer, the student admitted that she had copied the passages and stated that she did not really look at the assignment. The student agreed to deferred separation through graduation and 20 hours of community service.

Two strikes: a lot of community service

A student was referred to SJA for plagiarism in a paper she submitted for a language class. Specifically, the student had copied passages from multiple sources without giving citations of any kind. In her meeting with a judicial officer, the student admitted to the misconduct, stating that she had way too much on her plate and was working on making more time for class. Because the student had previously been referred for academic misconduct, she agreed to deferred dismissal status and 75 hours of community service.

Campus Judicial Reports are compiled by members of STUDENT JUDICIAL AFFAIRS.


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