53.8 F

Davis, California

Sunday, March 16, 2025

Campus judicial report

Forged homework

A junior was referred to SJA for submitting a forged homework assignment in an economics class.The student altered a graded homework assignment by erasing the old problem set and writing in a new problem set in an attempt to get credit for an assignment that she failed to submit on time.She presented the altered assignment to her professor claiming that he must have made a mistake in his grade book by giving her a zero because she already received credit for it,which should thereby change her overall course grade to an A-instead of a B.The professor knew he had never received the assignment and could see the erased assignment problems beneath the new problems.The student failed to attend her scheduled meeting with SJA and administrative holds were placed on her records.In the meantime,the junior wasdismissed for academic reasons.

April Fools prank gone bad

A resident advisor referred a senior to SJA for engaging in conduct that threatened the health and safety of others.The senior was spotted zip-tying bikes near the resident halls as an April Fools prank.Zip-tying a bike chain to the bike frame can result in dangerous outcomes such as having the rider flip over and fall off the bike.The student agreed to a sanction of probation and eight hours ofcommunityservice.



A junior was referred to SJA for using unauthorized material during an exam.The professor noticed the student had visible notes placed on the ground and asked the student to cover them during the exam.The student did as told,but the professor later noticed that the notes were visible again.The student received acensure and agreed to write a paper on academic integrity.


The Campus Judicial Report is compiled by student members of the Campus Judicial Board.Additional information about SJA and the Campus Judicial Board may be found at sja.ucdavis.edu.XXX


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