37.5 F

Davis, California

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Campus judicial report


A student of senior standing was referred to Student Judicial Affairs for attempting to purchase a new book from the UC Davis Bookstore with a used sticker. A security guard received a phone call about a suspicious customer from the lead cashier. Surveillance footage caught the student placing a used sticker on a new textbook. She then attempted to negotiate a deal with the supervisor because she wanted to avoid repercussions. The student agreed to pay a fine, received deferred separation and was allowed to continue taking classes unless referred for another violation.



A junior was referred to SJA for shoplifting three textbooks from the bookstore. The student admitted to stealing the textbooks from the bookstore after being questioned by the store supervisor. The student acknowledged that she was wrong and accepted responsibility for her violation. The matter was resolved informally, and the student was placed on disciplinary probation until her graduation.


Unauthorized collaboration

A first-year student was referred to SJA for allegedly collaborating during an exam. The teaching assistant observed that the accused student had her Scantron angled in such a way that another student could view it with ease. Additionally, both of the exams contained uniquely incorrect answers. Upon meeting with a judicial officer, the student denied the charge of unauthorized collaboration and was not found to be in violation. Although the university granted her the benefit of the doubt, it was noted that while certain acts such as wandering eyes, talking and visible notes during an exam might be innocent acts, they are prohibited during an exam. Consequently, the student received an administrative notice, in which any further referrals would result in disciplinary probation.


The Campus Judicial Report is compiled by student members of the Campus Judicial Board. Additional information about SJA and the Campus Judicial Board may be found at sja.ucdavis.edu.



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