51 F

Davis, California

Thursday, March 13, 2025

Letter to the Editor

After reading your articleReport finds Shields Library under-financed,there are a couple of facts that I would like to point out.

First let me say that this, like most college campuses main focus, is the professors. We want to make them happy. Heck, just look at the money that they make. What makes them happy? Besides making money? Happy students. One thing that makes happy students is having the books that they need in the library. How do those books get on the shelves? The people behind the doors. I am one of those people.

I am one of those doing more work due to the 71 fewer staff that [Helen] Henry speaks of. Not a problem, you say.

Well here is one problem:We do NOT get cost of living raises here at the library. We do NOT get merit raises. We, at times, have to work out of our job description because there is no one else to do the job because of the 71 fewer staff, and for what … more books?

Well, I for one am not seeing more books. The cost of books is going up so we are getting fewer and fewer books in the library, so does that mean less and less people to process them? We are losing people left and right and not replacing them. It’s sad. How are we going to keep the professors happy if no one is here to process the books for the students?

One note of irony: I got my B.A. from this campus. I was a student employee here in the library and when I graduated I got a full time job here. I was a single mom as a student and I still am. I do not make enough money working here to pay back the student loans that I had to take out to get my degree from here. I do not go to dinner, I do not travel and I shop at Wal-Mart.

Michelle Brackett

Bindery Assistant/Lead Book Processor

Shields Library



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