42.4 F

Davis, California

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

News in Brief: ASUCD Senate applications available today

Prospective candidates interested in running for ASUCD Senate or another elected position are invited to obtain ASUCD Nominating Petition Packets for the Fall 2012 ASUCD General Election. Petition packets are available today in the Student Government Administrative Office (SGAO) until the deadline for submitting packets, Oct. 23 at noon.

To pick up a packet, students should bring their UC Davis Student ID card in person to the SGAO, located on the third floor of the Memorial Union.
125 signatures of enrolled UC Davis undergraduates are required for nomination.
More information on the election and nomination process can be found in the ASUCD Election Codes — in Chapter Four of the ASUCD Bylaws which can be found at the ASUCD website.

Further elections information can be found at asucd.ucdavis.edu/elections.

—Muna Sadek


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