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Davis, California

Thursday, March 13, 2025

Last week in Senate


Last week in Senate

The ASUCD Senate meeting was called to order by Vice President Abhay Sandhu on Feb. 2 at 6:12 p.m. Eight of the 11 senators were present, with President Alex Lee and Senators Julie Jung and Sofia Molodanof marked absent.

The meeting began with a presentation by Gallo Wineries. The company announced that it is looking to recruit students and graduates for its management sales positions to help lead the company. Company representatives will attend the Career Fair on March 1 to meet with any interested students.

The meeting then motioned into appointments and confirmations, where Sexual Assault Awareness & Advocacy Committee (SAAC) chair Rachelle Fishbin introduced the new SAAC commissioners. After a series of questions, Senator Irveen Grewal moved to confirm the three SAAC commissioners. The motion was seconded and there were no objections.

After confirmation of members, the Senate discussed consideration of old legislation. Senate Bill #36 addresses the update of Chapter 21 of the ASUCD Bylaws. According to the bill background, many of the ASUCD Bylaws are outdated, inconsistent and disorganized. This bill creates consistency in Chapter 21 with regard to previously passed bills and updates sections that were technologically outdated. Grewal moved to call the bill into question. The motion was seconded and there were no objections.

Senate Bill #37 discusses the decision to mandate quarterly commission presentations. Senator Simran Grewal moved to call the bill into question. The motion was seconded and there were no objections.

Senate Bill #38 will require newly-elected or appointed ASUCD senators to attend legislation writing presentations by the Internal Affairs and Business and Finance Commission Chairs. Senator Ricardo Martinez moved to call the bill into question. The motion was seconded and there were no objections.

Senate also introduced new legislation and spoke about the ASUCD bills that will go to committees soon. This included a bill to establish the Disability Rights Awareness Committee, a resolution to urge the University of California to divest from fossil fuels and a bill to allocate $120 to the Coffee House to be used at an ASUCD lunch. They then motioned into ex officio and elected officer reports.

The meeting adjourned at 6:59 p.m.
Written by: Demi Caceres — campus@theaggie.org


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