Former chancellor placed on investigative leave following controversies
The Sacramento Bee reported on March 24 that the University of California (UC) spent almost $1 million investigating the controversial activities of former UC Davis Chancellor Linda P.B. Katehi last year.
UC President Janet Napolitano had placed Katehi on a paid investigative leave in April 2016 after reports showed that the then-chancellor was involved in outside corporate boards and that UC Davis had spent at least $175,000 to erase the 2011 pepper-spray incident online.
“As you know — but it bears repeating — all of this could have been avoided had Katehi resigned as chancellor of UC Davis as President Napolitano had asked,” wrote UC spokeswoman Dianne Klein in an email to The Bee. “Instead, in direct contravention to the agreement she and the president had made to keep the matter confidential until the terms of the resignation could be finalized, the chancellor waged a public campaign to keep her position while at the same time denying any wrongdoing.”
Katehi, who resigned in August, will return to UC Davis as an electrical engineering professor and researcher in fall 2017.
Written by: Alyssa Vandenberg — campus@theaggie.org