79 F

Davis, California

Friday, September 13, 2024

Last week in Senate


Senator Andreas Godderis announces plan to resign from Senate

ASUCD Vice President Adilla Jamaludin called the weekly Senate meeting to order on the third floor of the Memorial Union in the Mee Room on Mar. 1 at 6:11 p.m. Senators Danny Halawi and Jesse Kullar were absent from the meeting and Senator Andreas Godderis arrived late to the meeting at 7:09 p.m. Quorum was established.

The meeting began with public discussion. Alex Park, the director of Creative Media, and Sophie Maquiling, the marketing co-director of Creative Media and a third-year design and computer science double major, discussed the unit’s opinion regarding a bill to dissolve the marketing committee within Creative Media and replace the body with a singular marketing position.

Creative Media introduced Scott Stevenson, the current business relationship manager within Student Affairs Divisional Resources as well as a UC Davis alumnus, as the desired person to fill such a marketing position.

The pair brought up marketing issues within Creative Media as it stands now. They also said the elimination of the committee would increase efficiency and transparency.

Park discussed inefficiency within the Technology, Internet and Networking Committee, another internal committee of ASUCD. He mentioned outdated technology Creative Media uses and said the situation is contradictory to the purpose of TINC which, according to the ASUCD website, is “to recommend the allocation of computer and networking equipment within ASUCD, research methods to reduce costs of computer purchases, and prioritize all Networking and Internet related requests.”

Park made a plea to the Senate table to perform its job with the benefit of ASUCD and its units in mind.

“If you want to keep TINC, make it better,” Park said.

The table questioned Stevenson about his qualifications and the goals he would pursue in the marketing position. Stevenson already works in marketing within Student Affairs, worked in graphic design at The California Aggie during his time at UC Davis and expressed interest in developing sponsor partnerships by highlighting student accomplishments.

“The biggest asset we have as a university is you, the students,” Stevenson said.

Next, during discussion of old legislation, Senator Rahi Suryawanshi brought forward a Senate resolution regarding limited housing for graduate students. Representatives from the Graduate Student Association and the association’s Housing Task Force spoke on behalf of the resolution they helped write.

The resolution, according to the ASUCD website, expresses, “solidarity on behalf of undergraduate students for graduate students and workers’ bargaining season.” The status of housing in Davis was described as a crisis, with high rent and low unit availability for students.

There was disagreement over whether to keep a line in the resolution which pointed out how UCOP “wasted money on parties” and hid $175 million in funds. A vote determined the line would stay in the resolution and the authors defended its placement as money, stating they money could have been allocated toward affordable housing.

In a vote containing 10 yes’s and two abstentions, the resolution passed as amended.

Third-year electrical and computer engineering major Stacey Wong, the director of Experimental College, then delivered a report on the unit’s status. New classes on meditation and breathing are now offered, and the quarter’s projected income is $7,960 — last quarter’s income was $5,093.

After the Experimental College unit report, the DREAM committee reported on its partnership with the lending library and the materials it has distributed to students, including iClickers and goggles.

Fair Trade UC Davis presented on its initiatives, including protecting biodiversity and advocating for equal pay.

There was a 10-minute break at 8:22 p.m. The table reconvened at 8:35 p.m.

The table participated in a Strategic Planning Activity that involved writing down areas within ASUCD they would like to see addressed on large pieces of paper.

During consideration of old legislation, Senate Bill #39, which would dissolve the Marketing Committee, was passed as amended.

Senate Bill #40, to dissolve TINC, passed as amended, as did Senate Bill #41, to dissolve the Underwriting, Sponsorship, and Advertising Committee; Senate Bill #45, to allocate $1,400 to the Whole Earth Festival budget; Senate Bill #46, to expand the jurisdiction of the Judicial Council to serve subpoenas and Senate Bill #47, to reinstate the Student Health and Wellness Committee.

Jamaludin reprimanded the table for not keeping commissions updated when bills regarding them appeared. This lack of communication has led to commissions approaching Jamaludin for information.

The Internal Affairs Commission then delivered its quarterly report.

Ex officio reports were given followed by elected officer reports.

Senator Godderis announced he will finish Winter Quarter in ASUCD, but will be stepping down from Senate due to academic scheduling conflicts with as well as a research position.

During public announcements, Environmental Policy and Planning Chair Alice Beittal announced she would be studying abroad Spring Quarter and offered her Vice Chair Lois Kim as a suitable replacement.

The meeting adjourned at 11:07 p.m.  

Written by: Elizabeth Mercado campus@theaggie.org


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