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Davis, California

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

SB #35 passed unanimously at Jan. 13 ASUCD Senate meeting

The table discussed isolation procedures and pandemic procedures

By SHRADDHA JHINGAN campus@theaggie.org

Internal Vice President Juliana Martinez Hernandez called the meeting to order at 6:10 p.m on Jan. 13 and recited the UC Davis Land Acknowledgement.

Student Affairs and Student Housing and Dining Services then provided a presentation. Associate Vice Chancellor for Housing, Dining and Divisional Operations Mike Sheehan and Vice Chancellor of Student Services Pablo Reguerín discussed the pandemic, its impact on university life and the university’s COVID-19 policies.

Regarding isolation procedures, Sheehan said that those in apartments should isolate at home if they test positive, but those living in conglomerate housing, specifically the residence halls, will be provided with isolation housing, either on or off campus.

Sheehan added that when students are released from isolation, transportation will be available. Food will also be provided for those staying in on or off campus isolation housing. For students who test positive and may live in a crowded apartment, such as sharing a room with a roommate who has not tested positive, in partnership with The Hyatt and Aggie Compass, the roommate may be provided a space to stay in.

Next, Internal Vice President Juliana Martinez Hernandez recommended Rose Kazempoor for the position of senate recorder. Internal Affairs Commission (IAC) Chairperson Kabir Sahni made a motion to confirm Kazempoor, which was seconded, and Kazempoor was confirmed for the position.

Jason Kwan, the unit director of The Pantry, provided an overview of how the unit works and highlights from fall quarter 2021. Kwan also discussed what each team has been working on, such as onboarding 100 volunteers within a week, hitting 3,000 Instagram followers, the spice rack program, a Notion website and more. Kwan also highlighted what’s next for the Pantry such as making the budget, purchasing freezers and 150 more boxes of almonds, and being able to adapt to any future changes .

Subsequently, An Do, the unit director for Aggie Reuse, discussed its goals and each team’s plan for the quarter. Do also took any questions that arose.

Anjini Venugopal and Margo Rosenbaum, the editor-in-chief and managing editor for The California Aggie, respectively, provided The Aggie’s quarterly update.

Cozette Ellis and Nancy Marshall, the unit directors of Whole Earth Festival, provided an overview of what Whole Earth Festival is, and highlighted how remote learning has affected them, such as being able to meet in-person after meeting all other members of the team in fall quarter 2021. Ellis and Marshall mentioned however that the Whole Earth Festival is still scheduled to happen as it is outdoors, and they are currently in the process of preparing for it.

Next, executive cabinet appointments took place for External Affairs Vice President Shruti Adusumili, Transfer Student Representative (TSR) Tariq Azim, International Student Representative (ISR) Keven Zhou and Press Secretary Isabella Chuecos. After discussing with other members of the Senate Table, President Ryan Manriquez tabled the discussion for a different day.

The Elected Officer Reports followed, where senators discussed what they worked on in the past week.

The table then moved into Public Announcements, after which Public Discussion was scheduled. This was followed by the Status of Previous Legislation and Consideration of Old Legislation, during which SB #33, a spending bill to increase the salaries of the TSR and ISR, was discussed and subsequently tabled. 

SB #35, a spending bill to increase the hours and pay of the Student Advocate, was also discussed and passed unanimously. 

The table then considered SB #36 which proposes changing the ASUCD Champagne Award to fall and spring quarters, instead of fall and winter quarters. The bill passed unanimously. 

Martinez Hernandez adjourned the meeting at 11:15 p.m.

Written by: Shraddha Jhingan — campus@theaggie.org


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