46.1 F

Davis, California

Saturday, January 18, 2025

ASUCD spring 2023 election results announced

The Green Initiative Fund failed for a third time due to a lack of voter turnout


By SONORA SLATER — campus@theaggie.org


In this spring’s election, two executive ticket pairs ran for president and vice president, 13 candidates ran for six seats in ASUCD Senate, one candidate ran for External Affairs Vice President, two candidates ran for International Student Representative, two candidates ran for Transfer Student Representative and one candidate ran for Student Advocate.


Voter turnout was 15.96% of UC Davis’s undergraduate population — a 286% increase from last fall and a 133.2% increase from last spring.


Francisco Ojeda and Aarushi Raghunathan were elected as president and internal vice president, respectively. 


Celene Aridin ran uncontested for the role of External Affairs Vice President and was elected.   


Travis Haskin ran uncontested for the role of Student Advocate and was elected. 


Asif Ahmed was elected as the International Student Representative. 


Kaito Clarke was elected as the Transfer Student Representative.


Binh Do, Trinity Chow, Danielle Antonio, Nur Ambaw, Gabriel Gaysinsky and Chasa Monica were elected as senators. 


The Green Initiative Fund (TGIF) fee referendum, which sought to reinstate a small per-student fee in order to continue offering students funding to develop and launch innovative sustainability projects within the UC Davis campus community, did not pass. Although 81.92% of voters voted yes on the referendum, it ultimately failed to meet the required 20% voter turnout threshold. 


CA #79, which allows for a student body vote on a replacement candidate at the same time they vote on a recall, passed with 94.87% of the vote. 


CA #84, which addressed issues in the ASUCD Constitution related to electing a temporary presiding officer of the Senate, training methods for new members of ASUCD and other sections of the bylaws, passed with 94.95% of the vote.

Written by: Sonora Slater — campus@theaggie.org