38.9 F

Davis, California

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Daily Calendar



Chemistry Club meeting

5 to 7 p.m.

179 Chemistry

Get involved with this club’s popular Picnic Day magic show! To participate in the show, you must attend the meeting or e-mail the president at snavarro@ucdavis.edu.


Wildlife Society meeting

6 p.m.

1227 Haring

Geography graduate student Megan Wyman will give a talk on her research of bison communication.


Kappa Gamma Delta pizza night

7 p.m.

Round Table Pizza, 2151 Cowell Blvd.

Relax with the sisters of this pre-medical sorority over a slice of pizza and some games.


Sigma Mu Delta games night

7 p.m.

Memorial Union Games Area

Get to know the members of this pre-health fraternity over a game of pool!


Chi Delta Theta info night

7 p.m.

6 Olson

Learn more at “Quench Your Thirst” night, part of the spring rush.


Secretary of State Debra Bowen talk

7 to 8 p.m.

2 Wellman

Join the Davis College Democrats for Bowen’s talk!


KDVS New Volunteer meetings

7:30 p.m.

100 Hunt

Interested in being a music DJ, talk show host, sportscaster, graphic designer or technician? Learn how to start volunteering at this meeting.


Students for Barack Obama meeting

8 p.m.

126 Wellman

Join the Obama-rama with this student group!




Farmers Market

11 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

East Quad

Get fresh fruits, veggies and snacks at this convenient farmers market.


The American Discovery of Europe book talk

Noon to 1 p.m.

UC Davis Bookstore Lounge

Jack D. Forbes, professor emeritus of Native American studies and anthropology, will give a free talk about his book.


Career advising for women

Noon to 1 p.m.

104 North Hall

Still trying to figure out what to do with your major, career or life in general? Drop in and talk with an Internship and Career Center counselor.


Summer abroad enrollment day

Noon to 4 p.m.

Education Abroad Center, corner of Third and A streets

Secure your spot in a summer study abroad program and get extensions for important forms by visiting the EAC. Enrollment first-come, first-served. Free refreshments!


Student leadership workshop

2 to 3:30 p.m.


This workshop, “Making Meetings Work,” will help students lead their groups. Enroll for workshops at spac.ucdavis.edu.


Picnic in the Park

4:30 to 8 p.m.

Central Park, corner of Third and C streets

Grab a bite to eat at the farmers market and listen to blues band Black Cat Bone. Student group Studio 301 will also perform selections from You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown. As always, there will also be activities for children.


Wellness Wednesday workshop

5 to 6 p.m.

ARC Meeting Room 3

Learn how to get the most out of your sleep to improve your efficiency, lower stress and have an overall healthier life.


Native foods tasting

6 to 8 p.m.

Silo Union

Taste Native American tacos, cobbler and buffalo stew. There will be a performance by a native flutist and a trivia game.


Sigma Mu Delta professional night

7 p.m.

179 Chemistry

Get tips of the trade from Sigma Mu Delta alumni who are now health professionals.


Chi Delta Theta

7 p.m.

106 Olson

Check out their “Vitalize your life” cultural night as part of spring rush!


Kappa Gamma Delta professional night

7 p.m.

1130 Hart

Listen to alumnae of this pre-medical sorority and hear how it helped them get on their career paths.


Karma patrol meeting

7 p.m.

King Lounge

Learn how you can do your part at Whole Earth Festival this year.


Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous meeting

7 to 8:30 p.m.

United Methodist Church, 1620 Anderson Road

Program for individuals recovering from addictive eating, bulimia and under-eating based on the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. There are no dues, fees or weigh-ins. For more information, go to foodaddicts.org.


International Affairs Journal meeting

7 to 9 p.m.

6 Wellman

Learn how your articles can get published or join the staff of this student-run journal. This quarter’s issue will spotlight health! Free food provided!


Autism Awareness Association meeting

7:30 p.m.

Woodstock’s Pizza, 219 G St.

Grab a piece of pie and learn about this club. Representatives of Autism Speaks will be on hand to talk about upcoming events.


KDVS New Volunteer meetings

7:30 p.m.

100 Hunt

Interested in being a music DJ, talk show host, sportscaster, graphic designer or technician? Learn how to start volunteering at this meeting.




Summer abroad enrollment day

Noon to 4 p.m.

Education Abroad Center, corner of Third and A streets

Secure your spot in a summer study abroad program and get extensions for important forms by visiting the EAC. Enrollment is first-come, first-served. The last day to enroll is Friday by 5 p.m.


Emerson Jr. High carnival

4 to 10 p.m.

14 Cannery Park St.

Help the Emerson Junior High School PTA raise funds for the school! Rides can be purchased individually and day passes are $25 at the door. Day passes are available for $20 at Carousel Stationary & Gifts at 706 Second St.


Trivia night

5:30 to 7:30 p.m.

Silo Café and Pub

Show off your knowledge of random factoids!


Math Café

6 to 8 p.m.

Scholar’s Center Study Room, Surge IV

Get a good serving of mathematics at this weekly tutoring session with the Women’s Resources and Research Center. Women and men are both welcome.


Sigma Mu Delta barbeque night

7 p.m.

Chapparal lounge, 2689 Sycamore Lane

Get to know the brothers of this pre-health fraternity over ribs.


Chi Delta Theta social night

7 p.m.

Silo Cabernet Room

Check out this spring rush event, “Get Energized.”


To receive placement in the AGGIE DAILY CALENDAR, e-mail dailycal@californiaaggie.com or stop by 25 Lower Freeborn by noon the day prior to your event. Due to space constraints, all event descriptions are subject to editing, and priority will be given to events that are free of charge and geared toward the campus community.


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