Happy Friday Aggies!
Just when we thought the weather was on a fast track to summer… what gives, Mother Nature?
The 2019 Best of Davis results are in! Pick up yesterday’s special print edition at a newstand on campus to see your votes and submissions.
The Aggie’s Spring Lit Mag deadline for submissions has been extended to May 20th. Poems, short stories, essays, memoirs, lit criticisms and cartoons, we want ‘em all! Come on you talented bunch, what’re you waiting for? Option to publish under an anonymous byline.
And now, for your news…

Bye bye Tipsy Taxi — Senate Bill #77 dissolved Tipsy Taxi overwhelmingly in a 9-1 vote at Senate Meeting on May 2. The decision to defund the free late night, door-to-door service comes as a result of a growing budget deficit. Providing approximately 5,000 rides a year, they calculated that each ride costs $14.33 per person/ride — money that could allocated to better use. Senate also suggested allocating Tipsy Taxi funds to Safe Ride or working towards a partnership with Uber or Lyft. Read on.

5th Annual Davis Pride — this Sunday May 19 at Central Park. This year’s theme is #StonewallStrong in honor of the 50th anniversary of the 1969 event at the Stonewall Inn that sparked the modern-day gay rights movement. Hosted by the Davis Phoenix Coalition, the event will feature a Run/Walk for Equality (register here) and a free Music Festival and Community fair. Mayor Pro Tempore Gloria Partida and co-chair of the Davis Phoenix Coalition began the Run/Walk for Equality in honor of her son who was a victim of an anti-gay attack. Bay Area pop artist Xavier Toscano will headline a lineup of 25 artists: Cheer Sacramento, Josh Diamonds, Rebel of Oakland, Cathy Speck, the Badlands Sacramento Drag Revue led by “RuPaul’s Drag Race” and season three contestant of the show Mariah Paris Balenciaga, to name a few. Read on.

A closer look into Asian Greek Life — two fraternities and four sororities make up UC Davis’ Asian Sorority and Fraternity Council (ASFC), these include fraternities Psi Chi Omega and Sigma Kappa Rho; and sororities Sigma Omicron Pi, Kappa Psi Epsilon, Chi Delta Theta and Alpha Kappa Delta Phi, but these aren’t open to just students of Asian ethnicities.
Alleged hazing is a common stereotype of Asian Greek life with students who have rushed reported having to endure physical tasks, including drinking and performing strenuous physical activities.
“It’s very difficult to combat these stereotypes or rumors because people like to believe what others tell them and it only makes it worse because these rumors instill fear in them,” said Esther Lim, a third-year pharmaceutical chemistry major and the chapter president of the Epsilon chapter of Chi Delta Theta. … “If these rumors and allegations of Asian Greek being scary and difficult are true, the Asian Greek community would not even exist at all.” Read on.
Arts & Culture:

The art of beer die — a window into the culture of crafting beer die tables. “Most college-aged people have heard of the sport “beer die,” a drinking game involving four glass pints, two dice and a large table. Unlike many other drinking games, beer die revolves around culminating an atmosphere of relaxation and camaraderie through its dependance on good weather, the outdoors and team building,” writes Arts reporter Rosie Schwarz. She dives into the involved process that goes into constructing the table, but also the form of expression it demonstrates and the community it creates. Die up, read on.

Aggie Baseball closed last home series against CSUN with a 11-4 victory on Sunday. “This Mother’s Day contest ended in a special win for the Aggies, not only because of Senior Day, but additionally because every starter got on base at least once. The Aggies, who honored their six graduating seniors — infielders Cameron Briggs and Caleb Van Blake, pitchers Blake Hannah, Chase Lyford and Chris Brown and outfielder Garret Kelly— shined in front of one of their biggest crowds this season, soaking in all the recognition and spring quarter sun.” Read on.
Culture Corner — Gabriela’s Weekly Picks
Television: “One Day at a Time”
Movie: “Instructions Not Included”
Book: “When Breath Becomes Air” by Paul Kalanithi
Album: “This Time” by Donna Missal
Editorial — “SB 24 would secure access to abortion pills on California public university campuses”
Humor — “Humor: How to tell if your parents are addicted to Crepeville”
Column — “Apple wants to protect your privacy and let you track your wife”
That’s all for this week. Check back next Friday.
— Grace Simmons