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Davis, California

Thursday, October 17, 2024

ASUCD spring 2024 election results announced

This election had a 23.7% voter turnout and The Green Initiative Fund passed with 87.9% approval


By SYDNEY AMESTOY — campus@theaggie.org


The results of the ASUCD spring election have officially been released on the ASUCD website.

For the ASUCD executive ticket, Gaius Ilupeju (for President) and Aaminah Mohammad (for Internal Vice President) won under the Forward slate.

The External Affairs Vice President position was filled by Zephyr Schnelbach, who ran under the Forward slate as well. 

Six new senators have been elected:

Dhilena Wickramasinghe with the “Bitch” slate

Amrita Julka with the “Bitch” slate

Mia Cohen with the “Empower” slate 

Asif Raiyan Ahmed with the “Forward” slate

Audrey Jacobs was elected Student Advocate. They ran as an independent.

Muhammad Rafay Waqar was elected the International Student Representative, running with the Forward slate.

  Safa Mohammad was elected Transfer Student Representative, also running under the Forward slate. 

Both measures on the ballot, Constitutional Amendment #89, which introduces an official measurement of accountability to the ASUCD code of ethics, and The Green Initiative Fund (TGIF), which reinstates a student fee that pays toward student-led sustainability projects, passed. 

Notably, TGIF, which has been on previous ballots, passed with over a 20% turnout, meeting the threshold required to make its passing valid. 


Written by: Sydney Amestoy — campus@theaggie.org


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