Few ideas start with a light bulb turning off, but at Thursday's Brown Bag Chat with Chancellor Larry Vanderhoef, all it took was the flip of a switch to mobilize the university's stance on energy conservation.
The fourth annual Epic Quad Battle, scheduled to take place on June 5, has been canceled this year after the event organizers met with administrative officials. A formal letter was released on May 22 to the student body, officially announcing the decision and presenting the reasoning behind it.
ASUCD Senate meetings are scheduled to begin Thursdays at 6:10 p.m. Times listed are according to the clock at the May 22 meeting location, the Memorial Union's Mee Room.
UC Davis forensic science program researchers testing new microscopic engraving technology on gun firing pins have concluded that while it is feasible, the technology did not work well for all guns and ammunition tested.
The UC Davis School of Law will make history this summer when Kevin Johnson becomes the new dean and the first Latino to head a law school in the University of California system.
Though the entire campus faces steep budget cuts next year, Peter J. Shields Library's funding woes particularly impact the vitality of the university, some UC faculty say.
Though many might consider three days of near-death experiences - that they probably won't remember - quite dangerous, 4,000 UC Davis students can look forward to such a weekend and even avoid death with the help of Safeboats, a program designed to keep students out of harm's way.
A symposium will be held today to give the UC Davis community a chance to learn how they can contribute to improved labor conditions in California.
DMCA violation
A sophomore was referred to Student Judicial Affairs for a second Digital Millennium Copyright Act violation.
In the table that accompanied the Monday article "ASUCD budget for 2008-2009 nears completion," the proposed income column was incorrectly labeled. The income numbers shown refer to the proposed income for the 2008-2009 year.
If all goes as planned, Hutchison Drive won't be quite as congested next fall.
The festivities for Black Family week ended Sunday with Stomp Fest, an annual stepping competition at UC Davis.
"Ladies and Gentlemen! Introducing, Fast, Furious and Foaming at the mouth, Bold, Blue and Bitchin', it's the Pride of the Regents of the University of California, the Spirit of the Davis campus, the California Aggie Marching Band-uh!"
The ASUCD budget hearings took place this weekend, starting Friday evening and concluding late Sunday night.
The budget hearings allow for the ASUCD Senate to approve or make modifications to the over $10 million ASUCD budget. A wide variety of campus institutions, from the ASUCD Coffee House to the post office, receive funding in this way.
If you've ever dreamed of riding a bike by bouncing up and down on a seat, you're in for a treat Tuesday.
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