41.6 F

Davis, California

Friday, March 14, 2025


Editorial: Senate behavior

On May 16, ASUCD Senator Jesse Rosales arrived intoxicated and an hour-and-a-half late to the annual ASUCD budget hearing. Due to disruptive behavior, ASUCD President Ivan Carrillo eventually asked him to leave.

Ah, the single life

OK, it's true - life's a little lonely. When my two roommates' boyfriends come to Davis for the weekend, me and my other roommates just sit and eat Goldfishes in front of the TV ("Gossip Girl", how I love thee!) while the two couples make out right next to us. It's sort of awkward, especially when you're sandwiched in-between them, but at least they conserve space by sitting on each other's laps. Sometimes when it gets too crowded, all four of them just stack up on one other. They like to call it the "Leaning Tower of Observe-How-You'll-Die-Alone-Unlike-Us."

Bright way forward

With the overwhelming decision of the UC regents May 15 to slap over 220,000 students with another 7 percent increase in systemwide fees, our officials have come up with two programs that not only address monetary shortage but also aim to boost the UC's reputation.

Accountability lost

Those of you who were fortunate enough to read my column last week have already been informed of the blatant irresponsibility that plagued the May 16 to 18 ASUCD budget hearings, as well as my prediction that no disciplinary action would result for the senator in question. However, anyone who showed enough interest in the matter, and continued on to Tuesday's opinion page, would know that I was almost immediately proven wrong, or at least that was how things seemed.


"You're ugly, I'm hot- get over it HO!" yelled one impressionable young lady to another before raising her eyebrows mockingly, jutting out her lips, and clacking out the door in her 6-inch heels, all in one synchronized, in-your-face movement.

The definite article

The best thing about being a columnist is my Xtreme notepad. Not only does it make me look much more prepared when the time...

Editorial: Student efforts commendable

Devastation hit parts of Asia this month with a cyclone in Myanmar (Burma) and a 7.9 earthquake rattling China 10 days later.

The Reckoning

Editor's note: Rather than taking potshots at each other in separate columns, this week, Rob and KC decided to debate mano-a-mano.

Two stories remembered

In literature, many narratives begin with the incident of a protagonist suffering a loss, then battling back against all odds to build lasting legacies.

Letter to the editor

Though worldwide food shortages should be a thing of the past, today's food crisis threatens almost 1 billion people with near term starvation.

Five-minute fame

There have been a few random nights with friends where we battle our indecisiveness about what we're going to do and then do it again to decide where we are going to do what it is we've decided to do.

This is not the truth

I have a tendency to hyper-imagine crazy scenarios and possibilities after seeing something that qualifies as even remotely strange.

Editorial: Same-sex marriage

The California State Supreme Court's ruling that same-sex marriages are legal in California marked a historic and positive turn in our state's history.

Editorial: TAPS enforcement

During the last few weeks, Transportation and Parking Services has created a cyclist upset by confiscating illegally parked bicycles primarily in the Memorial Union and Activities and Recreation Center areas. Notices were left on bicycles to discourage owners from parking in certain areas where no racks are available.

Guest opinion: Marriage ruling obscures larger discrimination issue

Not all lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people are happy about the same-sex marriage ruling. While we recognize that the California Supreme Court decision positively and importantly affects some queer lives, marriage alone cannot solve the problems plaguing queer communities.