52.1 F

Davis, California

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Best GE Course: Nutrition 10


Voted the best general education course at UC Davis, Nutrition 10: Discoveries and Concepts in Nutrition (NUT 10) is a three-unit class that is offered year-round. Fulfilling science and engineering credit, the 400-person course is taken by countless students.

Covering the development and properties of nutrition throughout history, the class is both informative and applicable. Cindy Osana, a fourth-year sociology and psychology double major, took the course with Liz Applegate during Winter Quarter of 2016.

NUT 10 educated me about proper nutrition on a holistic perspective,” Osana said via email. “I enjoyed the class very much and still implement what I’ve learned to this day.”

Students like Osana enjoys the educational value of a class and suggest that others take the course.

“I would definitely recommend this class because, not only was it fun and interactive, it helped me make healthier decisions about what I put in my body,” Osana said. “Overall I think it is important to invest in learning about proper nutrition for a healthy and happy life.”

The course appeals to students from all majors and years because, as Osana explained, the course has a light workload. Topics include the importance of exercise as well as popular diets and supplements. The class also explores more traditional nutrition topics such as vitamins and minerals.

While hundreds of courses are offered at UC Davis, there is only one that students consider the best. When course load and applicability are combined, Aggies get their ideal class — a three-unit course designed to maintain healthy eating habits and keep one’s GPA afloat.


Written by: Pari Sagafi & Ethan Victor — features@theaggie.org


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