76 F

Davis, California

Monday, October 21, 2024

Faces of Fall

UC Davis students answer questions about our campus community and their experiences


Thao Thanh

Second-year philosophy major with a pre-law emphasis

What is your Davis-specific hot take? “I think we should change our mascot to cows.”

What are you most excited for this upcoming year? “I joined the bowling club. I tried out for the team because bowling has been a new hobby. I picked it up over the summer and I was just glad that there was a club.”

What is your favorite season in Davis and why? “The fall because it doesn’t get too cold — winter is a little bit too cold — and during spring and summer my allergies really pick up but in fall it’s just perfect.”


Kelly Goedde-Matthews

First-year graduate student in ecology

What is your Davis-specific hot take? “I like biking, but I miss hills.”

What are you most excited for this upcoming year? “I’m excited to continue making friends and getting to know my cohort.”

What do you want to do with your degree after you graduate? “Hopefully applied conservation research and hopefully related to fish.”

Seth Whitaker 

Third-year ecological management and restoration major

What is your Davis-specific hot take? “The bus fee should be free for grad students.”

What is your go to Peet’s or CoHo order on campus? “The Black Tie.”

What is your favorite TV show right now? “I’m a big fan of Star Trek, especially Star Trek Voyager. It has a lot of fun philosophical takes.”

What is your favorite thing about yourself? “I’m always trying to learn new things.”

Dania Akheel

Third-year animal biology major

What is your favorite season in Davis and why? “I think fall time. I like seeing the colors change, I like when it’s cold going to class and putting on a sweater.”

What do you want to do with your degree? “I want to go to vet school.”

What is your favorite animal? “This is kind of basic but cats.”

What is your favorite thing about yourself? “I am always willing to listen to other people.”

Katherine Tut

Third-year biochemistry major

What is your go-to Peet’s or CoHo order on campus? “Maybe a matcha latte with a brownie.” 

Who is your favorite music artist at the moment? “I like listening to J Park. He’s a K/R-and-B artist.”

What are you most excited for this upcoming year? “I think making more memories with my friends because I have just one more year of college left.”

Perla Guzman

Second-year cinema and digital media major

What is your favorite DC meal? “I like the falafel burger a lot.”

What movie are you watching in class right now? “I’m watching ‘Comradeship.’ It’s a German film.”

What is your favorite season in Davis and why? “I like spring because I’m from San Diego so I’ve never really seen the leaves change. When last year [it happened] I was shocked.”

What do you want to do with your degree? “I hope to get into the film industry in like post-production or in-production. I’m also interested in design, so maybe like set design or costume design.”

Tsubasa Honjo

Third-year engineering and political science double major

What is your go-to Peet’s or CoHo order? “Well, actually I’ve never [been to] Peet’s Coffee. I’m an international student and I came here a few weeks ago.”

What music are you listening to right now? “I listen to Japanese pop music because I’m from Japan […] I’m not familiar with Western pop music.”

What do you want to do with your degree? “I will stay here for one year, and I will go back to my home. After that, I want to work at […] investment firms that are unique to Japan.”

Hamza Masood

Second-year biomedical engineering major

What is your go-to Peet’s or CoHo order? “Can’t go wrong with an iced vanilla latte. Classic.”

What is your Davis-specific hot take? “A lot of people find the squirrels pretty cute. I think they’re kind of annoying, you know. I’m going down the road and they just cut me off and I gotta brake, and if I don’t, I run them over, and then I’m the bad guy. They’re annoying little creatures.”

What music are you listening to right now? “I was listening to Franciso Tárrega, he’s a classical guitar player. I was listening to his ‘Capricho Arabe.’”

Angela Sahagun

Third-year animal science major

What is your go-to Peet’s or CoHo order? “I order a caramel macchiato with soy milk with extra caramel drizzle [at Peet’s], and at the CoHo, I get an energy drink because I can’t stay up.”

What is your Davis-specific hot take? “Everything is so far, but yet other people find it so close, that there’s so much to do in downtown Davis. In reality, you can’t really do much. You just go to the stores, and everything is overpriced.”

What is your favorite thing about yourself? “That I’m a family person. I prioritize my family first.”

Written by: Katie DeBenedetti and Levi Goldstein — features@theaggie.org