53.4 F

Davis, California

Thursday, March 6, 2025


Daily Calendar


Early voting

10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

MU, across from Post Office

If you're registered to vote in Yolo County, stop by to vote this week! Go in on Halloween and vote in costume if you'd like.

Aggie Trivia

Gary Snyder, a UC Davis English professor, won the Pulitzer Prize for poetry in 1975.

Dining in Davis: Yolo Berry Yogurt

Walking into Yolo Berry Yogurt, you'll feel like a kid in a candy store. The new frozen yogurt place sports an entire...

Daily Calendar


East Quad Farmers Market

10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

East Quad

Check out a convenient iteration of the farmers market right on campus!

Find support at ‘the House’

"Welcome to the House. Would you like to talk?"

Upon entering the front door, every visitor receives the same greeting - a warm invitation to come in and make use of the diverse services the House has to offer. Located across from Regan Main, the House is the student-run peer counseling center at UC Davis sponsored by Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS).

10 Questions with…

Editor's note:

For this edition of 10 Questions, the California Aggie sat down with Walter Stone, a political science professor who has taught at UC Davis since 2001. Stone's current research interests include parties and elections and electoral behavior.

Daily Calendar


Project Compost

6 p.m.

Project Compost Office, MU Basement

Learn about radical composting on campus and how to get involved.

Daily Calendar


Project Compost

6 p.m.

Project Compost Office, MU Basement

Learn about radical composting on campus and how to get involved.

Club Hoppin’: NOURISH International

Students interested in taking up the fight to end world hunger and poverty have a new option to get involved on the UC Davis campus.

NOURISH International, developed in 2003 to fight global poverty, recently established a chapter at UC Davis this fall and is looking for students to help. The organization currently has 23 chapters nationwide.

Daily Calendar


Women's soccer vs. UCSB

2 p.m.

Aggie Soccer Field

Show the Gauchos how much Aggie pride you have!

Fighting to end ‘one in eight’

Approximately one in eight women will develop breast cancer during her lifetime, according to the American Cancer Society.

With the numbers so high, nearly all of us know someone who has had breast cancer.


In the Oct. 21 article "So you want to fly a plane?" it was stated that after the written test, the student must take to the air with a certified instructor, who will ultimately decide if the student can become a pilot.

The statement should have read that the student must take to the air with an FAA Designated Pilot Examiner (DPE). The Aggie regrets the error.

Daily Calendar


Whole Earth hiring

Third Floor MU

The Whole Earth Festival is hiring its staff for the spring 2009 festival. The deadline to apply is Oct. 23. For more information, e-mail directors@wef.ucdavis.edu or visit the festival's website at wef.ucdavis.edu.

Aggie Trivia

UC Davis is the largest UC campus, spanning 5,300 acres.

Daily Calendar


Aggie Football ticket distribution

10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

Aggie Stadium Ticket Office

Go pick up your free ticket to the Oct. 25 game against North Dakota. The last chance to pick up tickets is Wednesday.