37 F

Davis, California

Wednesday, March 19, 2025


19th Annual Undergraduate Research Conference to take place this weekend

Are you one of those people who gets a thrill out of spouting random trivia facts to amaze and impress your audience of choice? The upcoming Undergraduate Research Conference is a great opportunity to learn about everything from the relationship between social economic status and academic achievement to shell mounds in the Bay Area - not to mention a way to add to your mental bank of intelligent pick-up lines.

The Undergraduate Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activities Conference began in 1990, said Tammy Hoyer, chair of the conference committee. She explained that UC Davis is one of the top research institutions in the country, and the idea behind the conference was to give undergraduates an opportunity to present and publish their individual research.

Dining in Davis: 3rd in U Café

I have waited months for this moment,for this chance,and it has finally come.3rd& U Cafe has finally opened.Often,you need to wait a little bit for great things:the first space launch,sex and the reunion of the Spice Girls.Subsequently,the cafe follows suit well.

3rd & U Cafe starts with a pretty good-looking menu.At first I actually thought it was a mirror,but the words convinced me otherwise.With possibilities of breakfast,lunch and dinner,the restaurant knows when I like my meals.I went for breakfast and lunch,just to get a good idea of the difference between the two.

Daily Calendar



PostSecretDavis exhibit


Griffin Lounge,MemorialUnion

Learn what secrets UC Davis students and staff are keeping at this awareness exhibit.Sponsored by Students Against Sexual Violence.


UC Davis Blood Drive


Freeborn Hall

Save a life and get a free pint of ice cream while you're at it! Donating only takes about an hour,but the good karma vibes last all day.

Fighting to end genocide, one dollar at a time

ith an estimated 300,000 people dead and over 2,000,000 more displaced from their homes, the conflict in Darfur has now reached the five-year mark and is still raging.

In response to the ongoing situation, the UC Davis chapter of STAND: A Student Anti-Genocide Coalition, is trying to make a difference any way it can.

On Friday, STAND will host its second annual "Dining for Darfur," a fully-catered fundraising dinner. All proceeds will go directly to the Genocide Intervention Network to be used for civilian protection for refugees in Darfur and Chad.

The dinner will be held in the ARC Ballroom, and doors open at 6 p.m.

"'Dining for Darfur' is the perfect way for the average student to help the people [in refugee camps]," said Rachel Goldstein, sophomore international relations major and vice-president of the UC Davis chapter of STAND.

Daily Calendar



PostSecretDavis exhibit


Griffin Lounge,MemorialUnion

Learn what secrets UC Davis students and staff are keeping at this awareness exhibit.Sponsored by Students Against Sexual Violence.


Daily Calendar



PostSecretDavis exhibit

10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Griffin Lounge, Memorial Union

Learn what secrets UC Davis students and staff are keeping at this awareness exhibit. Sponsored by Students Against Sexual Violence.


Asian Americans and media

Noon to 2 p.m.


Discuss with others at "Asian Americans in the Media: YouTube in the Making" and make your own YouTube clip.


Public Health Club meeting

6 to 7 p.m.

126 Wellman

Hear from a guest speaker and learn about internship opportunities at this meeting!


TA trivia challenge

6 to 8 p.m.


Take on graduate student teaching assistants in the Asian American studies department at this Asian Pacific Culture Week event.


Hydrogen fuel talk

6:10 p.m.

1002 Giedt

Joan Ogden will discuss new energy technologies and strategies for developing a zero-emissions hydrogen infrastructure for transportation.




PostSecretDavis exhibit

10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Griffin Lounge, Memorial Union

Learn what secrets UC Davis students and staff are keeping at this awareness exhibit. Sponsored by Students Against Sexual Violence.

Daily Calendar



Post Secret Davis exhibit

10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Griffin Lounge, Memorial Union

Learn what secrets UC Davis students and staff are keeping at this awareness exhibit. Sponsored by Students Against Sexual Violence.


Asian Pacific Culture Week kickoff

11 a.m. to 2 p.m.

The Quad

Check out performances, a Bruce Lee look-alike contest and more!

“NOVA” to feature UC Davis professor

The car of the future exists today.

At least that is what Andrew Frank, UC Davis professor of mechanical and aeronautical engineering, believes. Frank is one of the many experts featured on PBS' "NOVA" premiere of Car of the Future. The program will air Tuesdayat 8 p.m.

Car of the Future examines the evolutionary changes that make cars more energy efficient. Tom and Ray Magliozzi, co-hosts of NPR's "Car Talk," take to the streets to find which alternative energy vehicle can challenge today's gas-guzzling, high-powered cars and become the car of the future - or at least replace Tom's 1952 MG TD Roadster.

Daily Calendar



Roaming Picnic Daycow

All day

UC Davis Campus

Are you ready for Picnic Day? Keep an eye out for the Picnic Day mascot cow, which will be giving out free prizes on campus!


Junior violin recital

3:30 to 4 p.m.

115 Music

Hear John Abdallah on violin with Narmina Sultanova on piano at this free concert!

Picnic Day calendar

Picnic Day, UC Davis' annual open house, is upon us! With hundreds of events, displays and educational exhibits, Picnic Day can be overwhelming, whether you're a complete neophyte or a sixth-year senior. To guide your day of fun, The Aggie offers this partial listing of events happening at UC Davis.

Daily Calendar



Gear swap

11 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Outdoor Adventures

Does the spring weather have you itching for adventure? Buy or sell outdoor equipment cheap!


Picnic Day Entertainment Showcase

Noon to 1 p.m.

West Quad

Experience a taste of some of the entertainment that will be performing at Picnic Day featuring dance group Danzantes del Alma and band AfterShocker.


Physical Therapy info night

5:10 to 6 p.m.

1204 Haring

Want to move to the city by the bay? Hear about UCSF and San Francisco State University programs for becoming a doctor of physical therapy.


Trivia night

5:30 to 7:30 p.m.

Silo Café & Pub

Show off your knowledge of random factoids!


Project HEAL

6 p.m.

2 Wellman

Come to the first Project HEAL Meeting of the quarter. Project HEAL is a UC Davis club that works with the Yolo County SPCA and Animal Shelter. Project HEAL helps students to get involved with SPCA and Animal Shelter through volunteer opportunities and animal-related events.

Daily Calendar



East Quad Farmers Market

11 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

East Quad

Support local farmers and get fresh produce, nuts, flowers and more!


Annual cow milking contest

Noon to 1 p.m.

West Quad

Join in cheering for our contestants in this fun-filled event celebrating the anticipation of even more events to come on Picnic Day!

The process behind female egg donation: part two

Lisa Peters watches as her son, David, excitedly points out the different plastic characters stationed on a perfect two-foot replica of the Black Pearl, which sits on the living room table. Another wooden ship of the build-it-yourself variety sits next to it. David ignores the "doll ship" and continues to show off the Davey Jones miniature and the Black Pearl's launchable rockets.

David is just a normal two-year-old boy with a fascination for pirates. No one would have guessed that this skinny, blond, grinning child began life in a medical lab's petri dish.

Peters, 44, understands what it's like to want children but not be able to conceive one. After many failed attempts, a medical screening confirmed that she and her husband could not have children.

Daily Calendar




Ice cream eating showdown

Noon to 1 p.m.

Memorial Union Patio

Go cheer on your fellow students in the fastest ice cream showdown ever! This is a Picnic Day pre-week event.


Davis Police Department planning meeting

3 p.m.

2124 Wickson

The Davis Police Department is preparing to develop its new three year Strategic Plan. Help them brainstorm and prioritize community issues and problem statements. Information about this process and notes from previous forums can be found at www.city.davis.ca.us/police.

Silent no more

080414_fe_bandanaproject.CHeadline: Silent no moreLayercake: Bandana Project gives voice to sexual harassment victimsBy JACKSON YANAggie Staff Writer For fear of sexual harassment, farm workers drape bandanas...