55.5 F

Davis, California

Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Protesters occupy Dutton Hall

A rally on the Quad yesterday segued into an occupation of Dutton Hall, which resulted in protesters ejecting four students who held alternative views.

Protesters were in solidarity with the people of Gaza, bringing awareness to the escalating violence in the region. A banner outside Dutton read “Davis + Gaza Are One Fist” while a banner inside read “End the Genocide.”

The group of 40 discussed oppression and zionism in the U.S., saying people who support zionism support genocide. Chants included “Davis to Gaza, Long Live the Intifada!”

At around 2:30 p.m., a protester noticed a student filming with her camera phone. Members of the crowd then confronted her and two neighboring Israeli students, yelling “Death to Israel” and “Fuck Israel” until they left.

About 15 minutes later, a student who asked to remain anonymous vocalized disagreement with one of the signs in the room. A protester grabbed him by the shirt collar and raised a fist.

“Not only was I an enemy, I was a racist, a bigot, ignorant, inflammatory, and my opinion didn’t matter,” the student said in an email. “Any person, be they speaking for religion, science, women’s rights, animal rights, or any topic, who attacks someone simply for disagreeing with their point of view is demonstrating a dangerous kind of close-mindedness that should disqualify an applicant from admission to any university, especially one as prestigious as ours.”

Protesters said that because they overtook Dutton Hall, they could decide who had a right to be present, and zionists were not allowed. Protesters left the building shortly after 3 p.m.

— Janelle Bitker. Brian Nguyen contributed to reporting


  1. online kredit…

    Die Weiterentwicklung des Berliner Brauereigewerbesonders Hand in Hand oder doch vielfach im Anschluss und im Zusammenhang mit den hier angefuehrten Thatsachen, hat nun diejenige Umwandlung sich vollzogen, welche fuer den Flaschenbiervertrieb im allgem…

  2. There’s no excuse for collar-grabbing and fast wagging like this. Can we please get our act together?

    We’re standing on the world’s stage now, and therefore we have even a higher responsibility now to avoid bad missteps like this.


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