84.5 F

Davis, California

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Campus Judicial Report


A student of senior standing was referred to Student Judicial Affairs for failing to cite sources properly for a take-home final exam. The student included information from the class reader in the final essay, word-for-word. The student claimed to have misunderstood the professor, but the professor stated that he had clearly indicated that all passages should be quoted with the proper citations. The student agreed to disciplinary probation in which he completed 10 hours of community service in conjunction with the Learning Skills Center until graduation.


Misuse of university resources

A student with no prior referrals provided false information in order to borrow a textbook from Shields Library. The student told the Reserves desk that he had gotten the professor’s approval to check out a textbook for an extended amount of time. Despite the fact that the book was in high demand, the student failed to return the textbook before the exam. Given the fact that the student falsified information that enabled him to have an unfair advantage on the exam, the student agreed to deferred separation. This sanction allows students to continue taking classes under the stipulation that if they commit another similar act of academic misconduct, they will be suspended or dismissed from the University.



Wandering eyes during an exam

A junior was referred to the SJA office for looking at another student’s paper during an exam. The student stated that the crowded testing environment and the proximity of the other student prompted him to glance at his neighbor’s exam. Although the student claimed to have had no intention of obtaining useful information, looking at another student’s work during a test is a violation of the Academic Code of Conduct. Therefore, the student agreed to disciplinary probation in which he must complete 20 hours of community service. In addition, the student was given a zero on the assignment.


The Campus Judicial Report is compiled by student members of the Campus Judicial Board. Additional information about SJA and the Campus Judicial Board may be found at sja.ucdavis.edu. XXX


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