78.4 F

Davis, California

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

10 Questions

Editor’s note: Donald Dudley is a graduate of the UC Davis School of Law and has worked at Student Judicial Affairs for over a decade. The Aggie sat down with him to find out the real deal about SJA.


You’re the associate director of SJA. What exactly does that mean?

I basically review all the conduct cases, work with students on conduct cases and serve as the director when the director’s not here.


How long have you worked for SJA?

Thirteen years.


What prompted you to work there?

I went to law school here and I was active in student affairs as a grad student. Working here allowed me to continue to work with students and apply my law degree. I can’t think of a better place to work.


What’s something most students don’t know about SJA?

In a lot of cases we really try to help students. It’s not all consequences and punishments.


What happens if a member of SJA violates an SJA policy?

If any of them are referred to us, the same rules apply to them as everyone else.


How many students would you estimate are expelled each year due to academic misconduct?

About 75 or so are suspended with maybe 3 being dismissed permanently. That’s out of about 1,300 cases.


What would you tell someone reading this right now that cheats on exams but hasn’t been caught?

You may think you’re invisible, but you’re not. And don’t [laughs].


You’re the head of the Campus Media Board. If you had to work at either KDVS or The Aggie, where would you work?

That’s a hard one because I used to work at KDVS. I’ve worked in radio, so I have a predisposition for it. I had my own show. I did public affairs. I did swap meets in the days before craigslist made things like that easy. I played classical music and had a talk show.


Do you have a favorite classical composer?

Hmm. Probably Copeland. He’s not really classical, but he’s American Classical.


This is something I’m not sure everyone is aware of: You ride a motorcycle. Tell us something about your ride.

[Laughs] It’s an old 1983 Suzuki Cruiser.


RICHARD PROCTER conducted this interview and can be reached at editor@californiaaggie.com.


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