78.4 F

Davis, California

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Upcoming Seminars



Opsin Expression in Fishes: Photoreceptor Plasticity and its Ecological Relevance

Inigo Novales Flamarique (Simon Fraser University, British Columbia)

1:10 to 2 p.m., 1022 Life Sciences

Sponsored by neurobiology, physiology and behavior, College of Biological Sciences


Topic to be announced (land, air and water resources)

Pasquale Steduto (Food and Agriculture Organization)

4:10 to 5:30 p.m., 3001 Plant and Environmental Sciences

Sponsored by land, air and water resources, Environmental Science and Policy





Topic to Be Announced (Center for Neuroscience)

Karel Svoboda

4 to 5 p.m., Center for Neuroscience, 1544 Newton Court, Research Park

Sponsored by College of Biological Sciences, Center for Neuroscience


Mre11/Rad50 Complexes and DNA Double-strand Break Processing

Tanya Paull (University of Texas at Austin)

4:10 to 5 p.m., 1022 Life Sciences

Sponsored by College of Biological Sciences

Graduate Groups in Biochemistry & Molecular Biology and Cell & Developmental Biology, Section of Molecular & Cellular Biology, Departments of Biological Chemistry and Cell Biology & Human Anatomy, the Molecular & Cellular Biology Training Grant (NIH), and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute




The Effects of Vitamin A on Developing B Cells in the Chicken

Kim Livingston (UC Davis graduate student)

Noon to 1 p.m., Weir Room, 2154 Meyer

Sponsored by animal science


Barley Stripe Mosaic Virus and its Movement Processes

Andrew O. Jackson (UC Berkeley)

12:10 to 1 p.m., 115 Hutchison

Sponsored by plant pathology




The Metaphysics of Fundamentality

Ted Sider (New York University)

3:10 to 5:10 p.m., philosophy department library 1231 Social Sciences and Humanities

Sponsored by philosophy


The coming revolutions in fundamental physics

Davis Gross, Nobel Laureate

8 to 10 p.m., AGR Hall, Buehler Alumni and Visitors Center

Sponsored by physics department


More seminars can be found at calendar.ucdavis.edu. If you’d like to publish a seminar here, contact us at features@theaggie.org.


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