78.4 F

Davis, California

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

CD Review: Wild Beasts

Wild Beasts

Two Dancers

Domino Records

Rating: 5

Some melodies are so serene and creepy that you’re slightly disturbed, but they make you feel so good. A quartet hailing from England, Wild Beasts, throws tribal howling, shrieking falsettos and overtly sly sexually perverse lyrics in with truly fantastic and impressive music. This mad and bizarre combination allows them to stand on a level of their own.

The alternation between lead singer Hayden Thorpe’s crooning falsetto and bassist Tom Flemming’s deep, mesmerizing voice on several of the tracks is both surprising and deeply satisfying. No two songs on the album really sound alike and the music behind the unique lyrics could stand on its own. The album boils down to a mix of ethereal feeling strains, guttural tribal yells and jazzy beats that make your body tingle and your brain struggle as it tries to wrap itself around lyrics like “This is a booty call / my boot my boot my boot my boot up your asshole.”

Give these tracks a listen: “All the King’s Men,” “We Still Got the Taste Dancin’ On our Tongues”

For fans of: David Bowie, The Stranglers

– Elena Buckley


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