78.4 F

Davis, California

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Roving Reporter

Roving Reporter Question: Do you see the iPad having a future in classrooms, and why?

“I think it would be easier for students to take notes and read PDF documents in classrooms.” – Andrew Stern, junior food sciences major
“Yeah, I actually see it being influential in the medical field, especially – like with [medical] school students. It’d also be helpful at the doctor’s office because they can show patients stuff on the iPad.” – Aaron Long, junior sociology major
“Yes, because I read an Aggie article about Andy Jones using it in classrooms, and I think it’s only a matter of time before it becomes more mainstream. I just wish it was cheaper.” -Melissa Border, senior English and Spanish major
“I think it has potential because technology is infiltrating the classroom so much. It will help students and professors to communicate better.” – Cynthia Luis, senior sociology major
“No, because I don’t own any Apple products.” – Travis Goldman, senior wildlife, fish and conservation biology major
“No, e-textbooks are so expensive and you can get netbooks for half the price. In a struggling economy, we just don’t have the wallet for iPads.” – Anthony Gadd, senior computer science and engineering major
“I was going to get an iPad in the beginning of the year, but it just wasn’t worth it. It’s not efficient – there’s no CD drive or USB ports on it. Even though it sounds promising, it’s going to take a lot more on Apple’s part. But I mean, it’s still just a first generation product.” – Justin Torres, junior textiles and clothing major
“Yeah it should because it’s a very convenient way to learn. It would be easier for professors to build up material to make classes more engaging and interactive. Plus, it’s better than carrying a laptop around everywhere.” – Andres Moya, Ph.D. student
“It’d be good for all of the environmentally-friendly professors who want to save paper. But it’s money, honey – so I don’t know what the chances of success are.” – Marykate Jones, senior sociology major

– Text by Vanna Le

– Photos by Jeff Perry


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