78.4 F

Davis, California

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

“Best Quotes”

“Really? Well, besides the obvious, and if the obvious isn’t that obvious, let me explain. GROSS! UNHEALTHY! And very medieval! Okay, now that I got that out of my system … why? Why are you doing this? Are you so drunk you can’t control yourself? Or are you so sick you can’t help yourself?”

UC Davis Police Chief Annette Spicuzza

discussing why students should avoid pooping in public

“I’m pretty convinced that plastic is the devil.”

Brennen Bird

a senior nature and culture major on his feelings toward trash

“If you use the term ‘hella’ you will be sent back to the north where you belong.”

Anti-hella Facebook group

quoted in an article about the possibility of “hella” representing 10 to the 27th power

“The first use of the Taser was successful as the protestors pushed through a police skirmish line but that was the only time that weapon cycled successfully. The use of the Taser was recorded on the official report of the incident but the initial deployment was not brought to the attention of CHP media personnel until later.”

CHP Officer Marvin Williford

on the use of Tasers at the March 4 protest after a California Aggie investigation

“The glitter and fucking fabulousness speaks to the resiliency as a community. We are letting fabulous bodies speak for themselves right now. Oppressed communities are the first affected [by budget cuts and the resulting change in environment].”

Sarah Raridon

a senior gender studies major on the “Glamarchy Now” protest

“There are some really crappy professors that the school keeps around just for their research. We should cut them.”

Caroline Jaynes

a sophomore sociology major on what should be cut from the UC budget

“Most students never actually go in the water. The boys like to hang around the diving boards and throw balls around – that keeps them entertained for hours. Then there is always a group of girls that lines up on the deck to watch them … the Rec Pool is really the most unique social atmosphere I have ever seen.”

Lani Chan

a Rec Pool lifeguard on Rec Pool culture

“I don’t want to say that I’m happy about it because it sucks that we have such crappy leaders.”

Brian Sparks

a senior international relations major on the recent vote of “no confidence in Mark Yudof and the UC Regents

“Everyone at some point has wanted to be the best Pokémon trainer. They’ll deny it, but we all know it’s true.”

Duy Ha

a first-year psychology major discusses his desire about competing in a national Pokémon tournament


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