78.4 F

Davis, California

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Guest Opinion

It is very possible that many of you have never heard of the Lieutenant Governor of California and what he/she is responsible for, and that is understandable. The position of Lieutenant Governor has historically stayed below the radar and has gone unnoticed even by many politically aware citizens. However, the position holds a key role in the lives of all Californians and especially the students of this great state.

So what does the Lieutenant Governor of California do? Apart from being the acting Governor when the Governor is not around, the Lieutenant Governor sits on the UC Boards of Regents and the CSU Board of Trustees, as well as a handful of important environmental and economic commissions, councils and boards.

For those who feel like there is nothing that they can do to fight the recent tuition fee hikes and the corruption within the UC and CSU systems, don’t give up hope. On Nov. 2 you have a chance to truly enact a change by electing a Lieutenant Governor that will represent you and your needs as a student.

That’s why I believe that San Francisco Mayor and Democratic Nominee for Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom is exactly the kind of leader that we, the students of California, need.

Gavin Newsom has shown over his many years in San Francisco that he cares about students. Throughout his time as mayor he created programs to help San Francisco students prepare for college, both academically and financially.

Thanks to Mayor Newsom, San Francisco is also home to two of this nation’s most innovative programs geared toward helping young people make their dreams of attending college a reality. Both SF Promise and Kindergarten to College are helping San Francisco’s youth realize that, through hard work, college is attainable and even affordable.

As Lieutenant Governor, Newsom would use his position on the UC Boards of Regents and the CSU Board of Trustees to fight against fee increases and wasted money. Newsom has not only pledged to fully fund higher education in California but has a comprehensive plan to restore our public education system to the best in the world.

So this is the chance we have all been waiting for. The time has come to stand up and make a difference. Mayor Gavin Newsom has consistently proved himself as a forward-thinking leader who knows how to get things done. I wholeheartedly endorse his candidacy for Lieutenant Governor of California and I strongly urge you to vote for him on Nov. 2.

ZEEVE ROSE is UC Davis Chapter Director for Students for Gavin Newsom.


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