78.4 F

Davis, California

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Photo of the week

As I biked through campus in the cold weather during finals week I was reminded that winter, too, can be beautiful. Passing Kemper Hall, I saw the cherry blossoms littering the ground.

Shooting at a low angle with the direction of the sidewalk, I hoped to capture an aesthetically pleasing composition using the leading lines of both the trees and the sidewalk. I used my 10-22mm wide-angle lens at its widest focal length, 10mm, which is roughly 16mm on a 35mm camera. I used a high aperture of f/11 to try to create a high depth of field in order to capture as much detail as possible. Such an aperture allowed me to shoot at a shutter speed of 1/125 at an ISO of 400 to expose the image properly. Although I am just as excited as anyone for spring weather, I will miss winter scenes such as this one.

-Jasna Hodzic


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