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Davis, California

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Campus News Highlights

Police pepper spray student protesters, community outraged
Nov. 19 — On Nov. 18, police officers pepper sprayed a group of student protesters on the Quad. The event came after students camped out on the Quad as part of the Occupy UC Davis movement. Ten individuals were arrested, nine of whom were UC Davis students.
— Originally reported by Uyen Cao

Students take back the Quad, Monday rally draws thousands
Nov. 22 — On Nov. 21, over 5,000 people rallied on the Quad in solidarity with the protesters who had been pepper sprayed. The rally involved multiple speeches from student protesters, faculty and Chancellor Linda P.B. Katehi. After the rally, students re-occupied the Quad, and over 30 tents were pitched by nightfall.
— Originally reported by Hannah Strumwasser, Angela Swartz and Becky Peterson

Students speak with UC Regents at meeting
Nov. 29 — The November Regents meeting was held via teleconference, with Regents located at UC Davis, UC Merced, UCLA and UCSF. Much of the conversation surrounded the recent police violence at UC Berkeley and UC Davis. Protesters at UC Davis and other campuses interrupted the meeting, and the Regents moved to different rooms to continue discussing the budget and other issues.
— Originally reported by Melissa Freeman and Max Russer

Residents move back into the Domes
Jan. 24 — After the Domes were temporarily closed for five months, students began to move back into the on-campus community in January. The Domes were closed after the University said that they did not meet the university’s safety regulations, including structural degradation and fire code issues. However, after the Solar Community Housing Association got a ground lease from the University and began repairs, students were allowed to move back into seven of the 14 domes.
— Originally reported by Stephanie B. Nguyen

Competitive election season comes to a close, victors announced
Feb. 27 — On Feb. 24, the winners of the ASUCD Winter 2012 election were announced. Former senators Rebecca Sterling and Yena Bae were elected ASUCD President and Vice President, respectively. Out of the 15 senate candidates, Joyce Han, Paul Min, Bradley Bottoms, Donkeyonta Gilbert, Beatriz Anguiano and Kabir Kapur won.
— Originally reported by Max Garrity Russer

U.S. Bank announces closure of on-campus branch
March 19 — After protesters blockaded the U.S. Bank on campus for more than two months, U.S. Bank announced that they would be closing their doors. Protesters had taken to arriving at the bank at noon each day and sitting outside, not allowing people to enter. The bank either closed early or did not open when the protesters were blockading. Some students supported the protesters, while others found it frustrating that they could not use the bank.
— Originally reported by Richard Chang

Twelve U.S. Bank protesters ordered to court for misdemeanor charges
April 2 — After the U.S. Bank blockade, 12 protesters were ordered to the Yolo County Superior Court on charges of conspiracy to commit a misdemeanor and a misdemeanor by “willfully and maliciously” obstructing the free movement of any person on any street, sidewalk or other public place.
— Orignally reported by Hannah Strumwasser

Reynoso pepper spray task force results released
April 11 — After the pepper spray incident, UC President Mark Yudof put together a task force to investigate the events of Nov. 18. After multiple delays, the results of the task force investigation were released on April 11. The task force ultimately said that the event could and should have been avoided. The task force also said that Chancellor Linda P.B. Katehi, along with other administrators, and the UC Davis Police force held much of the responsibility for the event.
— Orignally reported by Hannah Strumwasser

UC Regents meet in the capital
May 21 — On May 16, the UC Regents meeting was held in Sacramento for the first time in many years. The Regents met and discussed an impending 6 percent tuition hike if Gov. Jerry Brown’s tax initiative does not pass. Protesters interrupted the meeting.
— Originally reported by Justin Abraham

CAMPUS NEWS HIGHLIGHTS 2011-2012 was compiled by HANNAH STRUMWASSER. She can be reached at campus@theaggie.org.


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