78.4 F

Davis, California

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

This Week in Senate

ASUCD Vice President Bradley Bottoms presided over the Oct. 24 meeting. The meeting began at 6:20 p.m., with Senator Yee Xiong absent.

Jay Chou, director of ASUCD Specialized Transportation Services and Tipsy Taxi supervisor, announced that cameras will be installed in all Tipsy Taxi vehicles by winter 2014. This will ensure both driver and passenger safety. The cameras can also be used to record any verbal disputes or customer dissatisfaction.

An ASUCD bill to fund the Students of Color Conference (SoCC) was passed by the Senate.

SoCC is an annual conference hosted by the University of California Student Association (UCSA). The three-day conference promotes dialogue between students and raises awareness of issues that affect those of color. UC Davis is not a member of the UCSA and does not fund its students attending the conference. Most other UCs are members and cover all conference costs for their students.

The Senate Bill was proposed to cover most of the travel, lodging and registration fees of UC Davis students participating in the conference. The bill was initially sent to Vice President Bottoms and asked for a total of $3,000. After review from the Business and Finance Commission (BNF), the bill dropped its asking price to $2,500. It was then brought before the Senate with a BNF approval and Ethnic and Cultural Affairs Commission approval.

Those in Senate favoring the bill praised the conference’s merit as an outreach event for UC Davis students. Senators not in favor of the bill noted that it is also receiving funding from the Club Finance Council (CFC).

“The CFC is also funded by ASUCD, so they’re essentially ‘double-dipping,’” Senator Ryan Wonders said.

The bill, however, passed by a close 7-3-2 vote. The money will be taken from the Senate’s $12,800 reserves.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:01 p.m.

— Atrin Toussi


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