78.4 F

Davis, California

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Tuition Blame Game

In light of protests that took place on the UC Davis campus on Tuesday and a recent vote by a committee of the UC Regents to raise tuition for the 2015-16 school year, we feel that relations between UC administration, the California government and students need to be significantly improved.

Many people blame UC administration and regents for supporting a tuition hike, and the administration then blames the California state government for not providing enough funding to the system. While the cyclical dialogue continues, the burden ultimately falls on the students, who have to pay excessive amounts of money for their education.

Students should continue to peacefully protest and voice their opinions so that the effects of fee increases like these are clear. They should also try to foster open forums and communication with the UC administration. It is important that students demand proper advocacy on the regent and state government levels, and this will only be done through continued conversation and action about this issue.

We await the final decision regarding the tuition increase and hope that students continue to advocate for their voices to be heard. Continue checking The Aggie’s website and Twitter for more information.



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