78.4 F

Davis, California

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

This Week in Senate

On April 23, the ASUCD senate meeting began with a call to order. During Appointments and Confirmations, senate confirmed former ASUCD senator Gareth Smythe as the new vice president, following former vice president Robyn Huey’s recent resignation. Senate also confirmed two new Outreach Assembly members.

During Unit Director Reports, the unit directors of the CoHo, Project Compost and the Whole Earth Festival gave updates on current projects. CoHo director Darin Schluep discussed how the CoHo plans to continue limiting waste and become more inclusive, as well as gave an analysis of sales. Project Compost director Jessica Siegel described the current challenge of this unit: a high demand for compost, but not enough supply. The director of the Whole Earth Festival Christopher Myers explained the challenges the unit has faced to put on the festival this year due to the budget decrease.

During Presentations, members from Club Finance Council (CFC) presented a year-end review to Senate, in which they described the process of how they allocate money to different groups on campus.

Two new bills were introduced: a bill that will amend section 209 of the bylaws in order to re-organize the responsibilities of the Outreach Assembly into several assemblies, as well as a bill to allocate $298.38 for 2500 ASUCD brochures.

Additionally, old legislation was discussed. Senate passed Senate Bill #63, which reflects updated long-range plans for ASUCD units, such as manager additions and updated student employee numbers.

Senate Bill #67, a bill to create new Executive Staff positions as well as alter the pay rates of these positions, was also passed.

In Public Discussion, senate members discussed the need to become more connected to ASUCD units, decided on the location of the budget hearings later this quarter and discussed the upcoming “Pizza and Politics” Town Hall on April 30, where students will have the opportunity to meet and talk with ASUCD officials.

The meeting adjourned at 12:19 a.m.

Alyssa Vandenberg can be reached at campus@theaggie.org.


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