78.4 F

Davis, California

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Futuristic phones


Students discuss features they wish their phones possessed

What is one thing you would like your phone to be able to do that it cannot do now?

astrid_ramos_roving_fe_PratiherAstrid Ramos, second-year economics major

“[I wish my phone would] never lose reception, because that’s the worst.”








isabel_kraus-liang_roving_fe_PratiherIsabel Kraus-Liang, third-year sociology and statistics double major

“I wish it could let me view podcasts for classes, because some professors record videos but they’re not compatible with iPhones yet.”









Christopher Tse, third-year managerial economics major

“Disappear, because it’s too involved in my life.”









Charles Prestine-Lowery, third-year psychology major

“Last a lifetime so you could grow up with it.”








zinnia_dong_roving_fe_PratiherZinnia Dong, fourth-year neurobiology, physiology and behavior major

“If I lost my phone and I could somehow still use it by just using my voice.”









abbey_neat_roving_fe_PratiherAbbey Neat, fourth-year environmental science and management major

“I don’t like my phone and I wouldn’t change anything, [I just] wouldn’t have a phone.”









Joan Cobar, second-year mathematics major

“Better voice command that could understand all accents.”









Kellen Simons, third-year economics and Spanish double major

“Limit how many social media apps you can download because I hate how ingrained people are nowadays, including myself.”








kiarasah_shayesteh_roving_fe_PratiherKiarasah Shayestah, fourth-year mechanical engineering major

“Charge itself.”








kimya_baradaran_roving_fe_PratiherKimya Baradaran, third-year exercise biology major

“Be so smart that it could solve all the diseases in the world.”








thameaneh_tabatabaeifar_roving_fe_PratiherThameaneh Tabatabaeifar, third-year exercise biology major

“Predict my future, but only big events like when you apply to college.”








jonathan_liu_roving_fe_PratiherJonathan Liu, fourth-year computer science major

“Automatically tell me the weather and my schedule in the morning, like a personal system.”








mikayla_hartford_roving_fe_PratiherMikayla Hartford, first-year civil engineering major

“Give me a sound reminder when I’m about to leave without it because I always forget my phone.”


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