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Davis, California

Thursday, October 17, 2024

2016-17 Goodbye Editorial


The Editorial Board bids farewell

Scott Dresser, Editor-in-Chief

By Eli Flesch

Let’s talk about Scott Dresser. But let’s keep it brief. We don’t want this to go to his head. We don’t want him to think that bringing the Aggie back to print is that much of an accomplishment. Print is dead, Scott! Or that skyrocketing Aggie readership is all that important. I remember when the Aggie was a “cult-classic” — not this corporate behemoth, this multimedia juggernaut. Yes, Scott guaranteed this paper’s solvency for years to come. But not decades! Not centuries!

There are some good things to say about Scott. He’s tall. A former basketball player.

Also, he’s handsome, and nice and gregarious — but not at the expense of being level-headed and a truly incredible friend. He’s dedicated and strong-willed. What an asshole…

Boy, will I miss Scott Dresser. Did I mention he was editor-in-chief? My fearless boss.

Too sentimental? Maybe. Maybe too sentimental. It’s not like the guy died. He’s still here, still dressing like a dad on a chilly boat. So let’s wrap this up. Thank you, Scott, for everything.


Ellie Dierking, Managing Editor

By Sam Solomon

Ellie is a British person with a lot on her plate and that is all you really need to know about her. But if you want to know more, she is also an okay managing editor and a decent friend. 8.3/10. The best thing about Ellie, actually, is her dad, a jovial and sophisticated gentleman, whom I met on a single occasion, and who brightens every room he walks into. All silliness aside, Ellie is a great person with whom I would go on adventures… if she ever invited me. She is the equivalent of Andrew Garfield because of her British-ness, but also because she’s secretly Spiderman. Ellie is the type of person to ask you if you need anything at least four times in the same hour; she mostly does this at parties and she’s mostly asking if you need any more alcohol, but still. Her hospitality is off the charts. Her blonde hair is like a halo of wispy light because she’s a saint. She returns to London next year for school, and Ellie, dear, you will be sorely missed. Throughout all our time together and the little journeys we have had, you always managed to make things slightly less depressing. #WCW.


Alyssa Vandenberg, Campus Editor

By Emilie DeFazio

With an iTunes chock-full of 2000s throwback singles and a heart of pure gold, no one runs Campus News better than our favorite guest humorist Alyssa Vandenberg. Four years of commitment to the desk that showcases the best ASUCD drama was not enough, as Alyssa has spent her final year of her undergraduate career with her finger on the pulse and her eye on the sky — no question of “Are we covering this protest?” was left without an “I have a writer on it!” in response (If you doubt this, check the managing staff group chats).

If we could only grant Alyssa one thing as she sets off for better and brighter things — which include, unfortunately, becoming one of the best English teachers a Sunnyvale high school will find — it would be to let her have at least one oxford comma in a print issue of The Aggie by the time she graduates. But, alas, though she’s got spunk, intellect and great baking skills, this newspaper would rather lose funding, be ridiculed by The Tab and be set aflame than go against AP style. Sad.


Sam Solomon, City Editor

By Ariel Robbins

It was the highest of honors to be City’s only reader (besides copy). Just kidding. I never read City. JUST KIDDING! Remember that one really interesting City article? Me neither. Okay, but for real my sweet, sweet, tender, succulent Sam, no one could have brought out the best in The Big D (Davis) like you did. Your dedication was as boundless as the number of shoes you own and your content, much like your hair color, kept everyone on their toes and excited to see what would come next. I also know I speak for everyone when I say thank you for shouldering the burden of Police Logs — you were the life and soul of that tradition as old as time itself. Above all, Sam, I really just wish I could’ve sat closer to you in Ed Board, but if I’m honest with myself… it never would have been close enough. Love you, Smam.


Eli Flesch, Opinion Editor

By Scott Dresser

Eli, thank you for keeping editorial board meetings engaging, fun and substantive. Even though your fashion sense — namely your brown shoes with white socks combination — was often pitiful, your thoughtful, critical and insightful writing inspired campus-wide dialogue about various issues, and you developed an extensive staff of witty, sharp and versatile columnists. With you on staff, there were few boring days, both in the office and in the public sphere (for better or for worse). Did you make a few of my days more difficult than they needed to be? Oh yes, yes you did. But you made so many more of my days at The Aggie fun and lively, and your wit and perspective on world events and on life made my time in the office so incredibly enjoyable. We all look forward to following your future in the journalism world, and thank you for your invaluable insight over the past year; we never would have come up with any good headline/kicker combinations without you. (Enjoy that semicolon.) You are an incredible writer, a diligent editor and and an even better friend. Thank you for memories that will last a lifetime.


Emilie DeFazio, Features Editor

By Alyssa Vandenberg

I first met Emilie during an English class Winter Quarter of freshman year. We did not interact again until this year, when we met again at The Aggie’s editor training at the start of Fall Quarter. I would have never guessed freshman year that I would end up becoming such good friends with this beautiful, intelligent individual. In addition to being incredibly witty, Emilie is the heart and soul behind this year’s Best of Davis issue of The Aggie, a fantastic storyteller and a Gilmore Girls fanatic. She is also always willing to overthink things with me when we probably should be working on homework, which I greatly appreciate. I am honored to make up half of the best corner of The Aggie with her (shoutout to the campus news, features, sports and opinion desks). Emilie, I can’t wait to see what amazing things you do with your life. If anyone wants to get to know this wonderful person, catch us at the Jason Mraz concert this summer, where Emilie will be crying tears of joy!


Amanda Ong, Arts and Culture Editor

By Bryan Sykes

Amanda has spent the past two years as Arts and Culture Editor for The Aggie, and under her direction the desk has produced wide-ranging and innovative content.  As an editor at The Aggie, a PEACE trainer at the Cross Cultural Center and a peer advisor for the College of Letters and Science, Amanda gives wholeheartedly to each community she is part of, bringing a thoughtful and considerate approach to everything she does.

She is compassionate, so funny and such a good friend. Amanda gives heartfelt and candid advice and offers unconditional support regardless of if the advice was heeded. Her passion for The Office and Gilmore Girls runs deep, and her blindingly quick Jeopardy skills are simply breathtaking.

And although Amanda will do an outstanding job as she pursues an English Ph.D. at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, her presence will be deeply missed by all who have had the pleasure and privilege of being her friend.


Bryan Sykes, Sports Editor

By Amanda Ong

The day I first met Bryan Sykes, he came into our managing staff meeting wearing a Death Cab for Cutie shirt. That’s when I knew he had good taste in music. But over the next two years, I’ve discovered so many more things about Bryan: his dedication to The Aggie, his goofy sense of humor, his passion for foosball and his incredible kindness. As sports editor for the past two years, Bryan has led with grace and consideration, always being available to his writers and helping to make the transition from online to print a smooth one. As a member of the editorial board, Bryan has grown tremendously; he is comfortable voicing his opinions while still respecting and listening carefully to other opinions.

Next year, Bryan will lead The Aggie in a new role — editor-in-chief. His experience as sports editor will certainly serve him well, but it is not simply his past experience that makes him ideal for the job. Bryan’s ability to listen and empathize make him a leader that others will open up to. It has been a joy to watch him grow the past two years. Hail to the Chief and to the man we’re so privileged to call our friend.


Ariel Robbins, Science Editor

By Ellie Dierking

If there was a place in the Guinness Book of World Records for most puns used in daily conversation, Ariel Robbins would easily take that title. Ariel splits her time pretty evenly between her two favorite activities: making constant sly digs at our opinion editor, Eli Flesch, and having passionate discussions about flat earth theory with anyone ridiculous enough to engage with her about it. Aside from participating in these two pastimes, she has spent the past year successfully reviving The Aggie’s Science and Technology desk after a two-year hiatus, and bringing you news on the most cutting-edge scientific research happening at UC Davis. Ariel’s dedication, bright spirit and natural ability to make people laugh have brightened the dark and dingy corners of our Lower Freeborn office this year, and it is without a doubt that she will continue to brighten up the lives of those around her wherever she goes next.



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